Sunday, June 24, 2007

" We went to church "

We went to church today. We went early because that's the only one service this summer and it starts at 9:30am. Before they had two services the first started at 9:00am and the second one was 10:45 to 12am. We liked their time schedule before compared to now because we always attended their second service and we didn't have to wake up too early. It's ok though, because we are not attending church every sunday I think only twice a month. We are not attending church very often because it's hard for Sarah to wake up so early and for me too I'm always sleepy every morning and my husband doesn't like very much to go to church because he becomes boared sometimes when the preacher is boaring LOL. He likes the music though. I like going to church always but the problem of me is my being sleepy head hahaha and doesn't wanna wake up too early. Everytime I wanna go to church all I need to do is to tell my husband and he will take me to church without any complaining and I like it...By they way, we went to eat lunch in Mahomet restaurant after church then came back home to relax and share our nice Sunday together. Have a great sunday everyone.