MONIKER sells luxury custom menswear at wholesale prices online. They have a good and wide selection of their luxury custom menswear. So, if you are a shopper like me who likes bargain or on sale stuff. You should visit and try MONIKER and see if you like them. As I said Moniker sells luxury custom menswear and if you are planning to buy a nice inexpensive pair of underwear shirt jeans for your husband brother or anybody else. MONIKER is the best place for you to buy them.
I visited their MONIKER custom shirt website at ('d say it was the most beautiful custom shirt I've ever seen. How I wish I could buy one of those but unfortunately I can't I have no money to afford. Since I already spent most of my money on saturday. But, for those who has money and want to have one of MONIKER custom shirt visit them now and buy whatever you need. Enjoy!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Posted by Nora P. at 5:36 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 27, 2009
It's friday

Friday Comments
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Yeahey! It’s friday, friday is my husband's day. My husband is always very happy every friday and he usually says friday is my day. It makes him very happy when it's friday because after friday it's the weekend and he will be off work. I understand why he likes friday because when I was working at Wendy’s restaurant before I was counting the time if how much time left with my work then I'd be done and can go home and rest ahaha. It was a hard job I did and I was always very happy when the time comes for me to come home. Erelong after two nights of working I stopped because I couldn't handle it. I was pregnant with Sarah and I was kinda sick I threw up a lot. So, I stopped working until now I couldn't get back to work. It's just my husband who is working two jobs but hopefully soon he can find a better job and just work one job. Happy friday everyone.
Posted by Nora P. at 5:26 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Porn in the Workplace
Talking about porn in the workplace some people likes to look porn magazines or pictures especially men’s. For men’s it is something fun for them to look at. In fact, a lot of people got fired of their job because of this. They can't stop themselves from looking porn magazines wherever they are although if they are at work. My husband is a very kind person and he hardly looks porn magazines. If you like him then that is good so you can avoid hostile work environment. Having rowdy environment is sucks and to keep it nice and peaceful you should do what is good or best for you and for all.
Posted by Nora P. at 6:24 PM 1 comments
My honey and I
imikimi - Customize Your World!
Since I posted a picture of my kids and myself last few days ago I thought of sharing a picture of my husband too. He is not alone in this pic though it's me and him. This is our current picture so if you are keeping track on what's going with us this is a good time because we all have our pictures posted on this blog of mine. We got this picture at Mexican restaurant when we went there to eat last weekend! If you want to see a new picture of our babies it's on the bottom just scroll my page down and you will see it also my pic by myself. Hmmmm...What do you think? Don’t we look sweet and loving? I love my husband so much he is the best husband in the world. I am so happy and thankful to God for giving me such a wonderful husband. My life with my husband and two adorable children is beautiful and happy as can be. Thanks to God for making my life like this beautiful. He is so good and great. Okay, guys this is it for now as I don't have much topic to talk about today. There's nothing much going on here it's always the same everyday lol. Enjoy your wednesday afternoon.
P.S I decorated this picture of us at
Posted by Nora P. at 1:21 PM 4 comments
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Young and very talented singer
Do you know the singer named Lena? She is a very good and talented singer. I love her voice and songs it's very beautiful, she has the voice that can make anybody to like her and listen to her fantastic songs. It's incredible at her very young age she already became a famous and very skillful with her career as a singer. Lena was born and raised in Los Angeles, she has been singing for as long as she can remember. At age 7, she sang the national anthem in front of a huge crowd and got rave reviews. She went on to record very well received covers of popular hits and recently began writing her own music. Recently, she released her first original composition, "Framed", which she wrote in collaboration with Kosta Lois, a veteran Hollywood music composer and producer. The song can be heard on Lena's myspace page. So, you might want to take time and visit her page right now to listen with her song. I bet you'll love and enjoy it a lot too as I do.
Posted by Nora P. at 4:01 PM 2 comments
My husband surprised me last weekend
Last weekend I went shopping with our kids at Walmart while my husband went shopping at Sam's store. Guess what else he bought besides groceries when he went shopping at Sam's; he bought a router for our computers. I was so very surprised when he showed it to me because he didn't tell me that he was going to buy a router on his shopping at Sam's store ahaha. Well, what else I can say? I didn't say anything but just smiled at him instead. I know he has been wishing to have a router for our computers so I am just glad he finally got what he wanted to have. Actually it's not only for him but for all of us who use a computer. Anyway, we tried to install it this afternoon but unfortunately it didn't work with our verizon air card. So, he is planning to return it and maybe purchase one later that will work on our verizon card.
Posted by Nora P. at 3:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Spring is finally here
I am so glad that the winter time is over and the spring time is here. Spring time is beautiful and some people like spring time better than summer time. I bet you knew already why because spring time is not too hot and humid. Today we went shopping and it was such a nice day it was warm but windy.
Well, our weather here today was nice warm but compare to Arizona's weather their weather is more warmer than ours because their weather is is currently about 80 degrees. Wow! I like warm weather and it would be nice if we can buy one of Arizona homes. Where the weather is very warm and has a great place to stay. Anyway, I like the White Mountain Vacation Club Buyers. It's simply but beautiful so you guys might want to visit their website here and explore what Arizona place has to offer for you.
Posted by Nora P. at 7:10 PM 0 comments
A new picture of my Daughter and Son
As What I have said I was going to share a new picture of my children. So here it is I just took it today when we went shopping at Pards store so it's a very new picture of them. Look how big they grew since the last time you saw them. They are growing like weeds LOL. It's been more than a month when I stopped blogging and am so happy I got back blogging. It is fun although I don't get a lot of oops everyday but it is something that could keep me busy besides my kids. Okay, this is it for now have a nice tuesday night!
Posted by Nora P. at 6:31 PM 0 comments
If you are a Musician and want your Music to get exposure world-wide. Then upload your Music Videos and Audios from all genres to expose your Music to a World-Wide Audience where Fans can discover your Music. So, for those musicians that are interested for their music to get exposure world wide and want to win prizes you better visit the site - Got Music? Find Fans! Love Music? Find Talent!. Have fun and good luck!
Posted by Nora P. at 5:50 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 12, 2009
We were planning to send Sarah to pre-school
Sarah is going to be 3 yrs old on June 20, 2009 and we were planning to send her to pre-school on Sept. My husband already enrolled her for pre-school at Christian church and it cost $75 a month to send her to pre-school. But, unfortunately she can't go to school on Sept. because after my husband finished reading the pre-school rules and regulations. Unluckily, they required the baby to know how to potty train; and Sarah doesn't know potty train yet. She still learning and what I don't like about her because she won't tell me if I ask her you wanna poop? She would always say no although she already pooped lol. I don't know why she doesn't want to tell me every time she wants to poop or pee.
Anyway, I have learned something new lately that I should give her a piece of candy or chocolate every time she tells me that she wants to poop or pee. I put her in the bathroom to potty only when she tells me that she wants to poop or pee. So, hopefully she can learn potty train before too long because if she knows how to potty train before Sept. we will send her to pre-school if not we will just wait I guess until she's 4 yrs old.
Posted by Nora P. at 5:03 PM 1 comments
Have you ever heard or used with Caller ID Spoofing? If not you might want to visit their website here and try it. I have never used Caller ID Spoofing before but I might try it since it sounds good and cool. Good timing the is now offering Free Unlimited 2 minute ad-supported Spoof Calls. Watch out Free calls are limited to 2 minutes and are currently only available for free in the US/Canada. There are no restrictions on how many calls you can make. If you live outside of the US/Canada, you can still use 123SPOOF by signing up for an account. 123SPOOF is the only spoofing provider with international support and has local access numbers in 40+ countries. So, for those who are interested to try and wants to have a Free Spoofing visit their website now.
Posted by Nora P. at 3:27 PM 2 comments
Three Sets Of Awards
This blog is very honored to receive 3 sets of different awards from my blogger friend Mira. I got all these awards from her; thank you very much girl I appreciate it. You really make my day happy.
1.) THREE AWARDS - Fabulous Blog, Inspiring Blogger & You Make My Day
a good friend Mira of Random Thoughts and wonderful friends Marie-Dee of My Adventure Treasure Simple Living , and Dannny of My Thrilling Journey Through Life.
* * *
2.) TRIPLE AWARDS - Lemonade, Best Friend & Sisterhood
from a blogger friend Mira of Random Thougts
Here are the rules for the recipients:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
* * *
from a blogger friend Mira of Random Thoughts
This Award is presented to bloggers who display consistency in any one or a combination of these conditions:
The Blogger manifests exemplary attitude, respecting the nuances that pervades amongst different cultures and beliefs.
The Blog contents inspire; strives to encourage and offers solutions.
There is a clear purpose at the Blog; one that fosters a better understanding on Social, Political, Economic, the Arts, Culture and Sciences and Beliefs.
The Blog is refreshing and creative.
The Blogger promotes friendship and positive thinking..
The Blogger who receives this award will need to perform the following steps:
Create a Post with a mention and link to the person who presented the Noblesse Oblige Award.
The Award Conditions must be displayed at the Post.
Write a short article about what the Blog has thus far achieved – preferably citing one or more older Post to support.
The Blogger must present the Noblesse Oblige Award in concurrence with the Award conditions.
The Blogger must display the Award at any location at the Blog.
* * *
I'm passing on these awards to the following deserving blogger friends who I hope haven't received any of these awards yet ;-).
Francine @ Le bric a brac de cherie
Marie @ My online paradise
Sis.Ana @ A Filipina's Introspections
Posted by Nora P. at 10:20 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
File Extension WIDGET
Need a new File extension WIDGET for your Yahoo? Then visit the site They have many different kinds of widgets from which the user can choose. The Widgets have different themes such as games, stock tickers and the weather. A user can open file extension widget files in the Mac OS operating system using a Widget Engine from Yahoo! This is the same for users who would rather use the Windows operating system. This file is located in the Executable Files category and its specification type is Program Executable File. If a user wants to open the .WIDGET File they should first meet the necessary requirements of the system that are compatible with the yahoo widgets. For mor einformation visit their site at
Posted by Nora P. at 5:12 PM 0 comments
Me with my new curly hair
This is a new picture of myself I took it on saturday. I had nothing to do besides watching my kids after we went shopping on saturday. So I thought of taking a new picture of me using the web cam on my computer. When we went shopping on saturday I bought a new earring bracelet and necklace and that's what I'm wearing in this pic padayaw gid eh bwahahaha. I love this picture of me I think it looks so very good. I like the look of my eyes my face my lips and my jewelry hahaha.
Okay guys, this is it for now I just thought of sharing it to you since I couldn't post a pic of me on my last post about my new curly hair. This is my new pic and I have some new pic's of my babies too but I think I'm just going to share them with you next time or whenever I have a chance to post them.
Posted by Nora P. at 9:25 AM 8 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Cruiser Community
No matter what your style, brings you a unique offering of motorcycle parts and accessories to keep you and your ride looking cool. With a large selection of custom chrome motorcycle parts and accessories, motorcycle exhaust systems, motorcycle helmets, motorcycle jackets, and an awesome selection of all the motorcycle gear and motorcycle riding apparel you could need, they know you will find just what you want to give your ride that bad-ass, custom look. They offer you a safe and secure shopping experience verified by McAfee, a world leader in security, free shipping options, no hassle returns, and superior customer service. So, for those who like to ride motorcycle you might want to stop by at their website and maybe try their metric motorcycle community.
Posted by Nora P. at 9:25 PM 0 comments
My father in law had his knee surgery
My father in law just had his knee surgery yesterday. He didn't want to have a knee surgery but he was forced to have it because his knee was hurting him so bad. I'm not sure exactly why but maybe he had arthritis on his knee. After his knee surgery yesterday he stayed at the same hospital where I gave birth before. He is doing good and he can walk now with walker but he still in a lot of pain. Tomorrow he is going to the nursery and he will stay there until next week or until he gets completely healed. We will go visit him this weekend we miss him and I'm sure he misses us too especially his grand children. Okay, this is it for now good night.
Posted by Nora P. at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Best Web Hosting
Looking for a web hosting for your site? The website has the best web hosts 2009. They got a new web hosting and what a great price they have a very low prices that you can't find anywhere else. You sure can benefit from their products if you buy from them because like I said they have the best new and very low prices webhosting that you can find. So, you better check their website for more information. Have fun!
Posted by Nora P. at 5:07 PM 1 comments
I'm thinking to go back blogging once again
It's been a long time since I stopped blogging but I'm thinking to go back blogging once again. I feel bored everyday when I have nothing to do and blogging is one of the things that I like to do and could keep me busy. So, I think I will go back blogging although I'll just blog once or thrice a week. What do you think? As we all know the 3P is no good anymore because the prices of their oops went down a lot and it seems like it's hardly worth bothering with. But for those who live in Philippines it's good for them because our money here in US has a big value in Phil. So, good luck for all of us ah.
Posted by Nora P. at 4:38 PM 0 comments