Our Christmas celebration was great.I had a lots of fun shopping with my husband and daughter for Christmas gifts for my husband and for my father in Law and of course for Sarah too.
I just bought a lot of frames and a religios statue for my father in law because I know he likes religious things.In fact he's a very religios guy,he's attending Seventh Adventist churh and I tell you he's going to church every saturday.He would never skip attending church unless if he has very important things to do.
For Sarah I just bought her a one pair of Cloth and we have made a lot of frames too for her,about toys she has already a lot of toys we bought before so we didn't buy toys for her on christmas.My husband gave me a matching diamonds saphire necklace and earings and Adobe Photoshop for my blog. My father in law gave me and my husband a $200 each and $10 for Sarah. ha ha ha Sarah doesn't know yet what's money is used for so I got her $10 . I remeber he gave us money too last christmas.I think I wanna save this money or either spend it. I tell you I'm a big shopper lol. I couldn't keep my money in my wallet I always wanna spend it that's why my husband will murmur sometimes lol coz I take so long in the store when we go shopping.By the way I'm now studying if how to use the adobe photoshop in my blog.I hope I can learn more how to use it as soon as possible. Anyway, we we're just going to the restaurant on christmas day there was no any party we attended. But it was great to celebrate the christmas with our own family esp.if we were there in our hometown spending christmas with our family in philippines. There's a saying about it that "There's no place like home,and i think it's true cause even how nice and comfortable our situation here but we still missing the place where we were born. I hope I can go back there someday for a visit. I miss everything there already. Well guys bye for now. Take care and God Bless you all. Wishing everyone a happy new year filled with blessings and joy.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
" Our Christmas celebration "
Posted by Nora P. at 6:35 PM 9 comments
Friday, November 10, 2006
About our life as a new parents
Hi everyone, first of all I wanna thank God for everything he has done for us. As you know, I'm a mother now God blessed us with a cute little baby girl named Sarah Elizabeth. We're so very happy and thankful to God for giving us such a pretty, cute and healthy baby. She is just so perfect for us, God gave us what we asked from him. How proud and happy we are to have her in our life as our baby. When my husband Roger told me this was what he wants to name our baby I said ok because I thought it's a very pretty name. Beside that I didn't have to pick her name yet until she was almost born. I was still thinking the name that I wanted to give her. A lot of names I knew but I wasn't sure which one I want the most. But since my husband already picked the name for her I agreed. What a pretty name!!! He picked her name after his family member and we're glad this was the name we decided to give her, because actually a lot of people like it. There was one lady said there was an artist named Sarah also and she was a very popular artist. She said perhaps our baby Sarah will be papular or become an artist too someday. Who know's perhaps it will come true.
Anyway everything was fine for me and our baby after I gave birth to her. The only thing I didn't like was when I was pregnant with her. I was vomiting a lot and I was unable to gain a lot of weight. But anyway, I'm glad and thankful that it's over now. As of now she's growing like she should, and she will be five months old this coming Nov. 20th. Oh boy she's getting big and heavy. I'm wondering how much her weight now because she was 12 lbs. in our last visit to the Doctor on August 29th. I'm sure she's gaining a lot of weight because I can feel it when I lift her up or when I'm holding her. Also, my father in law said oh she's getting heavy, because sometimes my father in law will take a time to hold her. Well, I'm glad too when he does it because I can take a break. Actually I'm always holding her everyday and almost everytime if she won't sleep or play. When I put her down she'll cry so all I'm doing is holding her to make her quiet or calm. I can't even do things inside our house sometimes, and my husband Roger couldn't hold her most of the time becasue he's always at work, he's working at night and day. He has time to take a rest but for a few hours only. I'm glad and proud too that I have a good industrious husband. Anyway, Sarah knows how to roll over now and maybe soon she'll learn how to crawl, oh I'll be very happy when she knows how to walk. I'm waiting for that time and I'm so eager and excited that, that time will come. Well guys I think I wanna stop writing for now. Bye and God Bless. I'll write again soon if I'm not be very busy.

Posted by Nora P. at 7:22 PM 11 comments
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Hello World...
Hello world, I am Nora, and I am new to this blog thing. I hope to meet new friends through this
simple blog of mine. Please feel free to visit my blog and I hope you leave a note just to say "hello". I would also like to see yours if you have one.
Posted by Nora P. at 5:20 PM 1 comments