" Me, Sarah and my father in law "
" My husband and our princess "
I'm getting tired now of posting pic's so I will finish downloading the other pic's tomorrow ok? c u
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Heres some new pic's
Posted by Nora P. at 7:15 PM 0 comments
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Posted by Nora P. at 12:23 PM 9 comments
May 30th, 07
Hi guys, How is your day going? Mine is just always almost the same theres not a lot to do. Just stay home most of the time and I can only go shopping during weekend when my husband is off work. My Father in law has Auto or a Van that I can use to go shopping by myself anytime I want. But, the problem is I don't have a driver licence yet. All I have is just a permit driver licence to practice driving. Actually I'm practicing driving this time because I'm planning to take a driver test as soon as I master driving the car and know how to control it without instruction from my husband. But it's hard especially when I become scared I just wanna stop the car and get out and let my husband to drive the car instead hahaha. I am just so very afraid to have accidents or hit the other car. It mostly happens if it's traffic then don't I know how to control the car or speed. I'm just hoping that soon I know how to drive the car perfectly before I will take my driver test this year. If I feel that I'm still not ready this year we might pay ten dollars again to rechedule my driver test and practice some more until I'm become ready. ok guys I wanna stop for now because we have to go eat to Chinese restaurant at 4:00pm, with Roger's Aunties and Uncles. I might take some pictures of them and show it to you in my next post. ok Babbuh na muna. I need to get ready and also Sarah. Have a wonderful wensday.
Posted by Nora P. at 11:00 AM 1 comments
Monday, May 28, 2007
= Memorial day =
Hi everyone, Happy memorial day to all of you. Hope you have a fine day celebrating it. About me, we cooked out our Brats, chickens and corn. That was good and we celebrated the memorial day just fine and peaceful. Now I just wanna post small because I am so tired. I've been playing here on the computer a long time so I wanna say bye for now, goodnight and enjoy your holiday.
Posted by Nora P. at 6:24 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 27, 2007
May 27th, 2007
We went to church today. We thanked God for the blessings he gave to us. God made our family complete and more happy now. I am so content for what we have now and I couldn't ask for more. The service in Church was good and we liked it. I was surprised to hear when my husband said he liked their service today because he usually doesn't like and becomes boared to their services. He likes the worship music most of all but thinks the preacher is boring sometimes. But today miracle he likes it hehehe. Anyway, after church we went shopping we bought a few things that we need for our ceiling, also we bought steak, and two pretty night gowns for Sarah. We just did a small shopping today because, we don't want Sarah to be tired. We already wore her out yesterday when we went shopping lol. We bought Sarah a dress and two outfit for Aaron and a hat yesterday. Anyway, we cooked steak tonight for dinner. After we got home and that was very tasty. It was very tender and good. I think that it was the best steak we bought yet from Sam's store. I am really full right now and don't think I want to eat something else after we ate the steak. Too bad I couldn't take pictures of our steak to share it to you. But that's ok maybe some other time I can. Well guys, this is it for now. Have a good memorial day.
Posted by Nora P. at 5:11 PM 3 comments
Friday, May 25, 2007
" Its a boy "
= Heres Aaron ultrasound pictures =
Hi everyone, we just got home from the ultrasound test and I have good news to tell you. At last we know the sex of our second baby and it is a boy. We are so very happy and thankful to God for giving us a boy this time. God is good and wonderful. He answered all our prayers to give us a boy this time and we are so grateful to him. Anyway, the technician said that the heartbeat of our baby is 152 per minute. She said the baby's heartbeat is always faster than ours. He is twenty one weeks now and he weights 1.3 pounds. He looks good and healthy as well. Actually, the technician had troubles seeing everything because he was always active and moving a lot lol. But, we got some pictures of him and I'll share it with you guys so that you can see him. Oh my God we are so very happy that we have a girl and a boy now. Our family is more complete now and happy. Thanks God.
Now that we already know the sex of our baby, we can start shopping for everything he may need. Tomorrow we are going to town again to shop for Sarah and for Aaron Roger. By the way, we named our second baby Aaron Roger. Before, I said we are going to name him Aaron David but now we changed it. It's gonna be Aaron Roger instead. I got the name Aaron from my name but I just reversed it in spelling and it's double A hehehe. Then, we got the name Roger from my husband. He recommended it to me that we name him Roger instead of David. Well, I think this name is a beautiful name and we're glad we picked it. OK guys, until next time c u and have a good coming weekend.
Posted by Nora P. at 4:29 PM 6 comments
Thursday, May 24, 2007
" My husband's surgery "
At last the time for waiting to have his hand surgery is over. He got home this afternoon with his hand in a bandage. He said the surgery wasn't painful because they gave him anestetic and numbed his hand. He has three stitches and a splint and its all wraped in a big bandage. I am glad his hand surgery went well and it won't be numb anymore after a few days. Actually, he said he's in a little pain right now but they gave him some pills to help the pain. He will return to the doctor on june 6th and they will remove the stitches in two weeks after that he will rehab his hand for at least six weeks until he can return to work. After that his hand problem should be over and the numbness gone. Oh guys, tomorrow is friday and you know what? I'm going to have an ultrasound to check the sex of our baby and we are so very excited to know if it's a boy or girl. Don't worry guys I will tell you exactly the results of my ultrasound tomorrow afternoon. Ok bye and goodnight... c u tomorrow.
Posted by Nora P. at 7:32 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
" Today is a hot day as yesterday "
= These are my flowers that came back from last year =
It's hot weather now so I'm always going outside everyday to water my flowers and vegetables so that they will grow. I am afraid they will die if I don't water them everyday. In fact, I'm watering them everyday but they still look dry and thirsty. I'm just hoping that they will live and grow.
Also, I like the hot weather because its like Philippines weather lol. Actually, I always like to go out and do something during summer. It is so very boaring if I just stay inside the house sitting and watching Sarah's playing and do nothing all day. I need to excercise and I like to take a walk to excercise my legs. Sometimes if I can't take a walk my legs will become numb and hurt badly and I feel bad when that happens. That's why I'm taking a walk everyday although just a few minutes after watering my gardens. Anyway, my husband's appointment for his hand surgery is gonna be tomorrow morning. I wish and hope that everything is gonna be ok for him. ok Guys untill next time. Take care and God Bless.
Posted by Nora P. at 11:28 AM 2 comments
Saturday, May 19, 2007
" Here's some new pictures "
Sarah is 11 months old. She looks so cute and pretty isn't she? We love her so much and we are so blessed and proud to have her.
This is Roger's friend and his girlfriend holding Sarah. We got these pictures at their house after we ate dinner together. I couldn't take pictures before dinner because I lost our camera and couldn't remember where I put it. Luckily my husband Roger found it under Sarah's car seat after we ate dinner. I had to get the pictures then after we ate. I am glad he found the camera and we were able to take some pictures for me to post. Ok guys enjoy.
Posted by Nora P. at 5:52 PM
Friday, May 18, 2007
" I have planted all my vegetables, corn and flowers
Last few days I have been very busy planting all my vegetables, corn and flowers. We have two gardens, one for flowers and the other for vegetables. I am glad we have a vegetable garden and flower garden going now. I know its easy just to buy vegetables in the store but it's much better if we have a vegetable garden and eat fresh right? At last I am done planting. All I'm doing now is watering them everyday so that they won't die because of the very hot weather here sometimes. Since yesterday until now it's a little cold here maybe because we just got rains on Tuesday strange how the weather can change so much this spring. You know it's gonna be summer soon and I like summer because I don't like the cold weather and I can always go out the house, go shopping and we also cook out every weekend. During winter time I hated it because I can hardly go out the house to do what I want like shopping. I am so afraid to go out in the cold when I'm pregnant. Now, I think it's my time to be out always and enjoy as much as I can with this warm pretty weather. It's really a little cold in here today but not too bad. My husband's friend envited us to come over to there house at maybe 5:00pm tonight to cook and have dinner with them. So we will go there for sure hehehe. It's been a long time now that we haven't seen each other and I'm sure they want to see and play with Sarah. I going to bring our camera to take some pictures to post maybe in my next post ok? Good bye for now and have a good day. Talk with you in my next post.
Posted by Nora P. at 9:13 AM
Thursday, May 10, 2007
On Friday we went to the Doctor to have my prenatal check up...
On Friday we went to the Doctor to have my prenatal check up. We listened to the heart beat of our baby and as usual it sounds good and strong. About my weight I gained a lot I gained nine pounds. I was only one hundred one and now I weight one hundred ten. I am glad I'm able to gain a lot of weight now compared to before. As you know I was vomitting a lot and had trouble gaining weight. I am so happy and thankful for this second pregnancy for not having a lot of trouble gaining weight and vomitting. I admit I'm still vomitting or become car sick this time but thankfully just sometimes. In fact, I have been vomitting on Sunday night for a few hours. It was terrible. I vomit every few minutes. First I vomit the Foods I just ate and then after that I just vomit all water but bitter taste yaks. Then I felt my body become weak when I was vomitting. My neck and back feel pain. I don't know what was the thing cause me to vomit. Anyway after the Doctor's appointment we went to town to shop. Again we went to Pilipino store to buy some things I needed. I couldn't believe I spent more than fourty seven dollars for it. It was my first time to spend that much money in Pilipino store. But, it doesn't matter the important thing is I got all the stuff I wanted. Afterwards we went to eat dinner in Ryans Restaurant and went back home after.
On Saturday we went shopping again in walmart after in walmart we went to Red lobster to have lunch. That was expensive but their foods are good and we like it. We like going to Red lobsters Restaurant but just sometimes because its so expensive. After eating we went to Walgreens store to buy a few things we needed and last we went to IGA store to send money by western union for my parents, then we came back home to spend the rest of the day at home.
On Sunday we woke up early in the morning to go to church. We attended the second service and that was good. Actually they have a few new songs that we use to sing in our church too in Philippines and we liked it. I love the new songs they got like ours in Philippines because I knew how to sing it hehehe. As usual we left Sarah in the nursery and we picked her up after church and went back home. After we got home my husband went back to IGA store in the town where we live to get some things cause I was so tired at the other store I just asked him to send the money then bring me home. Hahaha this time my post seems like we did nonstop shopping this last weekend lol. Anyway, we cooked steak on the grill outside Sunday afternoon for our dinner. But, before that I ate beef and noodles and rice for lunch and then strawberries. That was all I ate and I wasn't sure which one of the food I ate made me to vomit. But,anyway it's over now and I'm not vomtting now. So I'm happy and thanked so much to God.
We have our ultrasound test soon on May 25 so I hope we can know the sex of our baby on that day and I will tell you all for certain the sex of our baby. We are hoping for a boy this time. Well thats all for now. Have a nice day to everyone.
Posted by Nora P. at 11:41 AM 3 comments