On Valentines day it went well for me although we didn't go out. We stayed home because it was snowing hard and very windy. Maybe it was boring to stay home but it was bad timing for us to go out and do things like shopping or go eat with Sarah. We really don't like to bring her outside with this cold weather unless she has an appointment to go to the Doctor. We don't like her to be cold. I think it's not a good idea to bring the small baby like Sarah outside with the freezing weather. Maybe this is why they can catch cold or flu sometimes in the cold weather. We're just so very careful to her as our baby we love her so much and we like watching her grow up. We exchanged gifts, my husband gave me a valentines bracelet and I gave him a valentines frame. He said he wanted to buy more gifts for me on valentines day but it was bad weather and I told him not to go out just to buy me more gifts,you already have one gift for me it's enough. We bought our valentines gift in advance maybe one week before valentines day hehehe because there was a sale for valentines day in the Christian store. We went there and bought the gifts .We just bought a couple of things in there cause they don't have a lot of things we like. Anyway about Sarah she's eight months old now and she's doing great. She started crawling now and started learning a few words. She can say Mama, dada already but it still just a baby talk. By the way I saw her stand up three times now in her crib and one time in her playpen. First time I saw her stand up in her crib she fell down and banged her head. She cried so I picked her up and comforted her till she became quite she didn't cry a lot just for a few minutes. That was a bad thing that happened to her when she banged her head. I don't like it. I hated it when it happened. I couldn't help her when she banged her head cause it was so quick and I was not very close in her crib to help her immedialtely. I can see she's not strong enough to stand up but she's learning it now. Maybe it won't be long before she can walk. Anyway my husband says all kids fall sometimes when their first learning to walk.
On February 19th we came back to the Dentist to finish removing my cavities. I had five cavities in my teeth according to the Dentist and he said he wanna remove the three first and two more next time we come back there. First they numb it so that I can't feel pain when they remove my cavities. When they start removing my cavities for the first time I was afraid perhaps they gonna break my teeth but no they didn't break. They were so very careful working with my teeth. I'm sure they don't want to have a bad records by breaking my teeth hehehe just kidding. While they were removing my cavities I couldn't feel any pain but when they stick the needle in my gum oh man it was the worst thing they did to me yaks. I came back there in the Dentist office for two times cause they couldn't remove my five cavities in one appointment. The second time I came back there I was not afraid because I knew and I experienced already what happened. They removed my cavities. But I am glad it's over now and my teeth are all fixed. All we have to do is go there two times per year to have our teeth cleaned. Well guys I think I wanna end up now my message. You all take care and May God Bless you. Also I wanna thank you for reading my post.

Hi Nora, your baby girl is really growing. She looks like you more I think than your hubby. Very very cute. I'm glad you had a happy Valentines day, especially now that you are pregnant again! Congratulations! Don't worry about having kids so close in age. I became pregnant with Grace when Alyssa was 6 months old. My kids are only 15 months apart. Anyway, take care and Congratulations on your blessing!
Hi Marik,
Thanks a lot for coming and leavin'me a sweet note.I appreciate it so much from the bottom of my heart.Your right Mar our baby is more look like me hehehe she looks pinay isn't she?But it doesn't matter the important she's normal,good,happy and healthy baby.We're so very happy and thanked so much in God to have her in our life.ok doki take care and May God Bless you.
Hey, sis, may slangy ka na ah, leavin'...LOL. Anyway, Sarah is getting a big girl, cute and pretty din, lahat naman eh. Ok ah, regards me. Nice update, nice Val-day you had pala, may presents for each other pa. Kami wala no'n...LOL. Okay, tc!
Hi Sistah,
Thank you so much for comin'and leavin'me a nice message.I am glad to see you here always.I saw your blog changed, it's more pretty now than before and I don't know how to log in to leave you a message hehehe pasensya ka na I'm not smart enough about anything lol.ok regards ra pod kami dira sa inyo.Take care and have a great day.
Hi Nora, whatta lovely photos above! thanks 4 sharing..good to hear that your teeth are all fixed now and healthy...i`ve tried that before too and i think kailangan ko na ding pupunta sa dentist ko..to avoid hurting..o cge..take care and kisses to ur cutie girl!
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