Today I have doctor's appointment for birth control shot. It's another injection in my butt and pain I'm going to receive today, ouch. But, it's ok though because I don't want my husband to have a vasectomy yet. Who knows perhaps after a few years I will want to have another baby di ba? So, I think it's better for me to just use birth control for now, while we're not very sure yet, if we want to have another baby or not. Huh! it' a tough decision we're going to do. My husband says he is happy with two children but since I come from a big family I am still not certain as to how many I want to have. That will be a decision we make someday in the future.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Have you ever heard about Hector Kabande?
Hector Kabande is the son of the late José Encarnación Kabande Dabdub, the famed hotelier who founded the upscale Hotel Lucerna chain. He is a renowned cook, who is noted for his spicy Mexican dishes. He formerly owned and operated restaurants and cooking continues to be his hobby and passion. He shares his time between Mexico and the US where he lives part of the year in San Diego California.
Posted by Nora P. at 7:43 PM 3 comments
Saturday, June 28, 2008
We Went Fishing at Lake Of the Woods
Ducks swimming in the lake.
Me with Sarah I'm trying to pull the fish out from the water
My husband so very happy because he caught two fish hehehe. But he just put them back in the water because they were not very big and they were not enough to waste my time to cook them.
Today was my first time to go fishing in the US since I came here. Oh my that was fun we liked it especially because I caught one big fish and my husband caught two small fish. But too bad the fish I caught got away when I pulled it out from the water, huh it was a big and heavy fish. I had trouble pulling it out from the water as you can see in the picture oh. My bunit nagabawog gyud tungod sa kabug-at o dako ahahaha.
After the fish came off from the hook and tried to go back in the water I tried to catch it using my hands lol. Unfortunately I couldn't catch it back it happened so quick and the fish fell on the edge of the bank and then flipped in. . It came back in the water and finally got away. Poor me sud-an na unta to pero nakabuhi pa di ra gyud to nako swerte tingali. But that's fine because we're planning to go fishing again this week if my husband will agree for us to go. Hopefully I can catch a big fish again next time we come back there. How's your weekend going guys? Hope you are having fun too. I enjoyed my day fishing. Take care.
Posted by Nora P. at 5:35 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 27, 2008
Auto Body Repair
Does your car need repairs? To make sure your car is in top shape with peak performance and safe to drive you should find an expert to fix it. I would recommend you to go to AUTO BODY COLUMBUS they are the Auto Collision Repair Experts. I bet you'll like their high quality work and reasonable prices. So don't waste time visit them now and get your vehicle running like new again.
Posted by Nora P. at 10:26 PM 1 comments
Orange Bird
Orange bird isn't it pretty I had fun taking pictures of them when we were at the zoo. Actually i had trouble taking their pictures too because they ran around and I chased them just to take pictures of them lol. Anyway, I still have some animal pictures left to share with you and I might share them anytime I want to share them with you because I don't want to bored you all the time you come here. I don't want to share just all animals. I'd also like to share something else ok.
It's only one kind of bird and I just called it orange bird because we don't know the name of it hahaha funny ha.
Posted by Nora P. at 10:03 PM 0 comments
It's All about Joseph Baniak
Joseph Baniak is a professional manager, project manager and natural leader. He is a guy who have a great knowledge and love for the culture of the middle east and his 14years of service in the US Air Force. He achieved rank of Major. He also have an MBA degree and is an expert in military hardware and engines. If you are curious and want to know more about him just click the link I provided here and it will take you to his website.
Posted by Nora P. at 8:52 PM 0 comments
My husband Doctors Appt.
My husband had doctors appointment today for his eye. He wants his one eye to be fix completely because it's a cross eye or manok-manokon. Well, about his appointment it went well. But boy they took whole day there because the hospital they went today is far away from where we live it took them three hours drive to go there and three hours drive back home but it was all more than six hours because they stopped by at the restaurant and ate. They had trouble driving on their way back home too because it rained their a lot and my husband killed six ducks in the interstate. Well, it wasn't my husband's fault, it was ducks fault lol. Why they didn't run away when they saw some cars were coming to them. According to my husband they were walking in the interstate hehehe. Anyway, I'm so happy that my husband and father in law are finally back home safe and I'm so thankful to my hubby who is watching our babies while im doing PPP here lol. Tomorrow we're planning to go back to bloomington and go to their park so I will make sure to take some pictures of us again and share it with you. Have a great weekend.
Posted by Nora P. at 8:43 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 26, 2008
We Need a New Bathroom Cabinets
Our bathroom cabinets are so small and we have so many things inside. I'd say it's very crowded and we don't like it because we can hardly find things when we are loking for them. My husband said we need to have new BATHROOM CABINETS so that way we can have a big space for all our stuff. Glad I found the Spacify offers designer cabinets to outfirt any bathroom on any budget. I think this is the good website where we can find and buy nice bathroom cabinets that we need and then we will have all the space we need for everything we have to store.
Posted by Nora P. at 9:49 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
Animal Images
Meerkat Manor
These are the three animals we saw at the zoo in bloomington. They're a lot but i just want to share three kinds of animal for now. I want them to load when you open my blog that's why I decided to just share three. I might share the rest of them next time. Have a nice day!
Posted by Nora P. at 9:50 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Looking For Skate Shoes?
Looking for DC Skate Shoes? If you do I found a good website where you can buy them for cheap. The have a nice and huge selection of their skate shoes. Not only that they also have some clothes, sandal, and shoes for men and women. specializes in skate shoes, shirts, pants, hoodies, jackets, hats, backpacks, eyewear, and watches. They are also authorized dealer for Adio, Circa, DC, DVS, Emerica, Etnies, Fallen, IPath, Lakai,and etc. I'd say they have everything you need. If you want to order or need further information you can contact them at 866.355.SHOE or
Posted by Nora P. at 5:24 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 21, 2008
I finally downloaded our pictures during Sarah's birthday
Hello guys, the birthday party of my baby Sarah is finally over we celebrated it at chuckeCheese restaurant in Bloomington. We bought her a birthday cake, balloons, and toys. It was just a small party and we bought everything from the restaurant. I did not like the party because it was expensive and the food wasn't a lot. We should have gone to the red lobster restaurant rather than chuckeCheese. It was our first time there and now that we know how bad they are i think we won't come back there anymore. We did like the games though and I think Sarah had lots of fun so that was the most important. Anyway, after the party we took the kids to the zoo and we saw a lot of nice animals. We were going to take them to the water park but by then we were all so tired so my husband said we would do that next time.
I took some pictures of animals we saw at the zoo and i might share it with you next time. Right, now I'm feeling kind of tired and needs rest so bye for now. Hope you'll enjoy the slide show I made.
Posted by Nora P. at 5:52 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 19, 2008
*Happy Birthday Sarah*
Happy Birthday Glitters
My husband and I are taking Sarah to the Zoo and then to Chucky Cheese to celebrate her second birthday. She is so precious to us and both our kids are the joy of our lives. Happy second birthday to our lovely little Sarah. Hope she'll enjoy her birthday tomorrow.
Posted by Nora P. at 4:12 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Looking Someone To Repair Your Car?
Have you been in accident and wrecked your car? If you've been in accident wrecked your car and can't sleep because of this. Visit auto body irvine a fix auto Collision Repair Expert. Let them fix or repair your car don't worry they're the expert so whatever the problems of your car. They can absolutely fix it and make it as beautiful and new as it was. So, don't waste your time visit them now at
Posted by Nora P. at 7:07 PM 0 comments
My Sister With Her Cousins and Friend
My sister shared me some pictures of them last few weeks ago and I saved it on my computer. This is one of them just now I could think to share it with you. This picture was taken by the ocean in bayawan. My youngest sister is the one who's wearing a red top and a brown shirt. The four of them are my cousins except the one who is on the back of the small boy wearing blue pants and a white top. He is just their friend or acquaintance.
Posted by Nora P. at 6:50 PM 0 comments
Looking For Car For Rent?
Are you looking for car for rent? Advantage car rentals always low prices no matter how far you are. They have some beautiful and good cars for you to rent when you travel. In case you need one right now or anytime you want you can just visit their website here and book from them. They have special car rental offers from 19.99 a day and you get 25% off your next rental if you rent in texas by July 15th. I think this website might be the right and perfect website for you to go. If you are looking for car for rent. They're low prices and they have some special offers for anybody. In fact, they have offer up to a 50% discount on their Luxury and Convertible car rentals. So, try them now we will see how do you like them.
Posted by Nora P. at 6:15 PM 1 comments
I Got Banned
For the firts time I got banned on PPP last week. I was wondering why I got banned but when I checked the reason it says PR 0 lol. I can't remember if I've grabbed opportunity that required a PR. But maybe I did I just don't remember . That's ok though that they banned me total zero naman yong PR ko eh. Hindi maapektuhan kasi it's already 0 hahaha. But, I wish they will put back my PR I hate having 0 PR on m blog it's sucks.
Posted by Nora P. at 5:44 PM 0 comments
Want To Know On how To Save Gas?
As we all know everything is so very expensive now especially the gas prices. Last night after my husband's work he went shopping at walmart store and I asked him to buy me some stuff. One of them was pineapple and I can't believe it one pineapple cost him five bucks. It's summer season now and the vegetables or fruits should be cheap but my they're still expensive. My husband complained about it but I know not only my husband or father in law who complains about it. But almost everybody complains about the high prices now of every thing.
Ever wonder if you should drive to the next town to save money on gas? Well, I found the that have a free online tool that has just been launched. They have all the information on how to save gas so if you want to know about it visit their site now.
Press Release:
Saddle River, NJ June 13 2008 -- launched today, a free site dedicated to helping consumers decide if the trip across town to a cheaper gas station will actually save them money. This tool is easy to use and only requires that you enter a few details such as the price of gas and distance to the cheaper station.
With the price of gas now over $4.00 in most places, the decision as to where you purchase your gas is becoming more important every day. With this new tool from, consumers now have the information needed to make the right decisions on where to buy gas, while saving the most money possible.
In addition to the gas calculator, also contains a wealth of information and tips on how to save gas and increase gas mileage. The site also has a real time feed which constantly updates the average prices per gallon by state. More information is being added all the time. is the creation of Mark Roth. Mr. Roth lives on the border of New York and New Jersey. “There is a big difference in price between NY and NJ, and I noticed many NY drivers lining up at the cheaper NJ gas stations. That got me wondering if it was really worth the trip, going out of your way to buy cheaper gas. That’s when I came up with the idea for the calculator.” said Mr. Roth.
Posted by Nora P. at 11:21 AM 0 comments
My Baby Girl's Birthday is Coming Up
Sarah's birthday is this coming friday and we're planning to go to bloomington. We want to go to their park and maybe zoo we've never been to their park and zoo and it's gonna be our first time to go there on friday. The good thing they gave my husband a day off for our baby Sarah's birthday. We don't have a lot of plans for her birthday. I think we're just going to celebrate her birthday in a simple way just like before. We'll buy her a birthday cake and we might buy her toys too from toysRus.
Posted by Nora P. at 11:02 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Looking For Stacking Tables and Chairs?
Do you have banquets or conferences coming? If you do and need some Stacking tables and chairs. I found a great website where you can hire or buy furniture for meetings conventions and any other functions you might be having and at a very reasonable price. Quality innovation and value are the three things that set them apart from other companies in the banqueting and conference market. You can find chairs tables and special need furniture for your event or wedding at there site. Just think of the convenience and peace of mind a company like this can provide for you during your busy time to organize everything else for your event. Wow they can really take the hassle out of this part of the organizational process and at a price that will keep you under budget too. It's hard and stressful enough to organize a big event or convention without having to worry about the small details especially when you can let Burgess furniture handle all the problems for you. So whatever your event plans are and before you waste a lot of time and hassle with some one else take just a few minutes and check out there website at Burgess Furniture. It can be your smartest choice in event preparation.
Posted by Nora P. at 10:25 AM 0 comments
Funny Picture
LOL...I laughed when I saw this picture i think it's funny isn't it?
A cat looked at her/himself in the mirror then it turned out a lion hahaha. It says what matters most is how you see yourself lol. What is that mean? I don't really understand what it means.
Posted by Nora P. at 9:30 AM 2 comments
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Carbon Neutral Search
Have trouble of searching something on your computer and looking for something that is easy and fast to use? Carbon Neutral search is the best and it has no hassle and lots of work to do. If you want to have carbon neutral search visit their website here and all you have to do is Install their OpenSearch Plug-in, and you can search from your browser! Isn't that cool that's why if you don't want to have problems anymore when searching use carbon neutral search now. I bet you'll like it and you'll be glad you found it. So, come and visit them now have fun.
Posted by Nora P. at 1:34 PM 0 comments
Paul A. Offit is a Chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases
Dr. Paul Offit, MD, is the chief of the division of infectious diseases at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and a professor of pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania medical school. He developed a vaccine for rotavirus. His previous books include The Cutter Incident, a history, as well as two practical books. He is a very good doctor and he lives near by the philadelphia.
Posted by Nora P. at 1:21 PM 0 comments
I Went to Good Will Store Yesterday
Yesterday we went shopping for groceries and clothes. I bought my husband a blue long sleeve and a neck tie for my father in law for father's day. I just bought them one item each because you know everything is so expensive now so I tried not to spend too much yesterday. Especially my husband is just working one job this summer. I know it's better to save money but on the other hand it's nice to spend it too to buy the things we want to have lol. Anyway, i'm trying to save some money although I'm a big spender and I send money to my family back home per month. My money in PPP is not much left and too bad the PPP is so very slow these last few weeks. I don't have much money in my account now and I don't get a lot of opps either which is sucks. I'm trying to save some money because I'm planning to buy a house to my family back home after a few years. Hope I can save enough money to buy them a house because they really need a big nice house badly eeeek.
Yesterday I went to good will store to buy some clothes for Sarah and Aaron and of course for me. My babies really needs some summer clothes. We bought clothes for them almost every week when we go shopping but naku! they still don't have enough hahaha. You believe it or not but it's true. Tc!
Posted by Nora P. at 12:30 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
Social Networking Site for Nissan Owners
Sick of the limitations with forums? Want to meet more Nissan owners and share opinions about upgrades and customizing your Nissan vehicle? provides full social networking for you to meet new friends that share the same passions as you do about Nissan vehicles. This social networking site for Nissan is a great website for all the automotive lovers. By joining this website you can post and share photos, comments, blogs, add new friends and send messages today. Like for example you want to know more about Nissan cars. The prices, colors, brands and etc you can just ask them anytime you want and surely they will answer all your questions. So, get connected with ItsMy Nissan now by signing in their website. It's good because if you're connected with the ItsMy Nissan you can also find Nissan friends in your hometown or other parts of the world. Show off your Cars post up your photos. Watch and share cool videos. Build your own Personal page and Car page! and express what's important to you. That's why if you are interested to meet more Nissan owners, share opinions about upgrades and customizing your Nissan vehicle, meet some friends from your hometown or other parts of world and etc. You might want to visit their website now at and sign up.
Posted by Nora P. at 4:44 PM 0 comments
We Went Garage Selling
Today is finally friday and as you all know my husband is home during the day. Today we went for garage selling but not so very lucky because there was no a lot of garage sells. Only one garage sell we found and it wasn't bad because they have some stuff for sell. We found and bought some clothes and toys for Sarah but boy she did not want to leave there because she was playing there with the other kids and she liked and enjoyed playing with them. Anyway, we went to eat lunch after garage selling and came back home. Today was such a good day because we went out and we enjoyed our garage selling and lunch. Hope you had a good day too guys. Take care!
Posted by Nora P. at 3:55 PM 0 comments
Advocate Auto Claims
Been in a car accident? Advocate Auto Claims helps car accident victims recoup the diminished value of your vehicle. If you have been in car accident that wasn't your fault, you can receive compensation for the diminished value of your car for up to four years from the incident. Is your vehicle worth more than $5,000? Was the damage more than $1,000? Did the accident happen within the last 4 years? if your answered is yes then you can get a FREE diminished value Estimate from Auto Advocate Claims. All you have to do is visit their website and do it by yourself. If you have auto body shop and other kinds of car that have been wrecked visit their website and get the money you're owned. The website offers FREE diminished value estimate to find out what you're owed!! So visit them now and find out what or how much you're owned.
Posted by Nora P. at 10:04 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
My Partner and Me Tag.
Got this tagged from my friend Francine thanks honey. I had fun doing it.
Are you deeply in love with your spouse or boyfriend/Girlfriend? If you do, let’s try how well you remember the moment of your life with him. But before you put yourself in the hot seat please read the rules of this tag first.
1. This tag should be pass on to your closest friends.
2. Visit the blog of the person you’ve got this tag.
3. Leave a comment on her/his tag post. Be sure to thank her/him for this tag.
4. Highlight and link all the list of people who accepted this tag by visiting their blog site.
5. There are 10 questions that you need to answer but you will be the one to write the 10th question for the next person you want to pass this tag.
1. Sojourn 2. Pinay Mom in Czech Republic 3. See Me for what You Will 4. LAINY’S MUSINGS 5 OUR JOURNEY TO FOREVER 6. Twerlermz 7. Gamay and Dako Adventures 8.Technotrend 9. Ness 10. Chez Francine 11. Le bric à brac de Cherie 12. La Place de Cherie 13. Nora's Notes 14. Nora's Family Treasures 15.ADD YOUR BLOG HERE!
Here’s your questions: Be Honest and True!
1. How did you meet your husband/wife or boyfriend/girlfriend?
Answer: We met online. I was published in different websites like Manila Beauty and etc.
2. Where did you go in your first date?
Answer: We went directly in bayawan city we stayed at the pension house because there's no hotel there.
3. When was your first intimate kiss?
Answer: At Dumaguete city airport when we first see and meet each other. It was nonstop kissing until we arrived in bayawan city lol.
4. How many girlfriends/boyfriends he/she had in the past? Do you honestly know?Answer: He had lots of girl friends before we met and he told me all about them. I told him about mine too.
5. What is his/her ethnicity? Answer: American
6. What is his/her favorite food?
Answer: He loves american, italian and mexican foods and he eats almost anything except chicken, birds, and eggs.
7. What is he/she like if he/she is mad?
Answer: He likes to take his angryness out on us lol. He likes to talk a lot and after he is done he'll be quiet and back to normal.
8. What are the things he/she did you thought is the most romantic thing he’d/she’d ever done?
Answer: I think after our wedding when he carried me from downstairs all the way up to our hotel room.
9. Describe how he/you proposed to you?
Answer: He proposed me two times first in the letter and the second was at Almar La Residencia hotel in dumaguete. He got his one knee down and asked me hahahaaa.
10. Do you find this tag C00L?Answer: Yes
I'm asking these three lovely ladies to tell me their love stories Mari--Dee, Marie, and Sis. Ana. Have fun girls.
Posted by Nora P. at 9:27 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Looking For Reusable Grocery Bags or Shower Curtains?
We have some grocery bags here at home but they're not reusable after we use them one time we just throw them directly in the garbage. I did not know there's reusable grocery bags that we can buy online for low prices. I was surprised when I found this website that sells reusable bags and shower curtains. The Cozy Homewares website is the good website to buy them because they have the best and cheap reusable bags and shower curtains. I'ts free shipping if you buy or order from them so visit them now and lets start shopping for reusable grocery bags and shower curtains that we like.
Posted by Nora P. at 7:43 PM 0 comments
Roses From Prairie Garden
Fairy Meideland Rose (Meiklutz)
Toulouse-Lautrec Rose
Amalia Hybrid Tea Rose
Sweet Potato Vine Blackie
During summer my husband is not working during the day only during the night. This morning I felt so bored so I told my husband that I want to go shopping for flowers. He did not want to go shopping because he wants to save money especially he just working one job this summer. But, I was so bad I forced him to take us shopping I told him I am the one to pay for the flowers I want to buy. He thought about it for a while and agreed. We went to Prairie garden the place that have some beautiful flowers I like. I like prairie garden I think they're the pretties place in Champaign. For flowers, christmas decorations, frames and etc. they're pricey or expensive but I like them. Today we went there and I bought three kinds of roses and one sweet potato vine blackie. You know how much did I pay for for all of them? I paid $55.and something. Very expensive but I don't care the only matters to me is that I'm happy because I got what I wanted to have. After I bought the flowers my husband said so are you happy now? I said yes I am. How about you? are you sad because I bought some flowers and spent some money? He said no I'm happy too because you are happy LOL. I am just so very happy and thankful to God that I have a good husband, understanding, loving, honest and responsible. After shopping for flowers we went to eat lunch at Mexican restaurant and yeah we came back home full. Thanks to God for all the blessings he give us everyday. I'm always so very grateful to him.
Posted by Nora P. at 7:19 PM 0 comments
We Are Planning To Change Our Car Insurance
Our car insurance is so expensive and we have been talking of my husband to find a cheap car insurance for our car. Glad I found the Cost-U-Less that have car insurance for low price. We might change our car insurance since the Cost-U-Less have the cheap car insurance. This website have been progressive ever since and they serves many places like Anaheim, Palmdale, Long Beach, Whittier, Pomona, Torrance, Santa Ana, San Bernardino, Victorville, Tarzana and Lancaster.
Posted by Nora P. at 7:14 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
A tagged from my very good friend Francine . Thanks pinangga! Here’s how we play this meme:
Determine your birthday month and get a word that rhymes with it or you can affix to it. Caps lock your birth month (ex: MAYday! JUNE dune, APRILicious, JULYvely, AUGUST pocus, parched MARCH…). Be unique.
2.Your birth month plus the word affixed or rhymed shall become the tag’s title in your case.
3.Get your birthday and add the digits involved. Example, if your birthday falls on the 25th of July, add 2 and 5 you get 7.
4.Whatever is the sum, write a list of the MATERIAL gifts you wish to receive, the number of which shall correspond to the sum of your birthday. For example, applying the case above (in rule number 3), you will write seven (7) things you wish to receive.
5.After your wish list, put your name and birthday in the Bloggers’ Birthday Directory, with a link to your blog/s. Note: when you add your birthday, please place it in a way that the dates appear chronological (January, February… 1, 2, 3)
6.Pass this tag meme by tagging as many people as you want.
Bloggers’ Birthday Directory:February 20 - Caryl February 23 - Jammy March 7 - Mari April 13 - TERE May 3 - Vannie May 8 - joanjoyce May 27 – Zang Caesar August 27 - Francine, La Place de Cherie, Cherie September 2 - Chikai September 30 - Mckhoii December 18 - JoshuaOngYS December 19 - Alpha, November 20 - Nora YOUR BIRTHDAY HERE
Here’s mine:Name: Nora (my nickname Neneng)Birthday : November 20 Calcuations: 11
My Wishlist:
1. A new canon camera
2. Laptop computer
3. A big beautiful house
4. Motor scooter
5. Bicycle
6. Car
7. Shoes
8. Dresses
9. Sandals
11. Walkman
I suppose to write 22 things in my wishlist but this is all I could think of sorry. Now I'd like to pass this tag to Hye. Take it girl have fun.
Posted by Nora P. at 4:59 PM 1 comments
Need Help?
Microsoft Task Market is a new Technology Preview site. What a great site if you need to out source work and get it done at a reasonable price or if your a work from home person that needs a way to do work on the computer to make extra money. When my husband saw this site he said it will be a perfect way for us to earn extra cash and work at our own schedule. So, if you're interested check them out soon and Get more done faster with Task Market. .
Press Release:
Welcome to the launch of the Task Economy. We’d like you to be among the first to experience it, kick the tires, and share your opinions with your readers.
Microsoft® Task Market is a new Technology Preview site that lets people with tasks find people with the know-how to do them – saving time, and improving the end product.
For every person who throws up both hands at the prospect of creating a complex formula in Microsoft Excel, somewhere in the world there’s another person who can make it look easy. For every poor proofreader, there’s an expert one out there who wouldn’t mind making a few extra dollars. For every small business owner who doesn’t have time to do background research on a new business prospect, there’s a talented researcher who could quickly put together a dossier.
The big idea with Task Market is this: create a viable market to get them together and things get done.
Task Market is in the Technology Preview stage. That means that developers at Microsoft Research are releasing the site “into the wild” to demonstrate the potential of the technology, investigate the breadth of user adoption, solicit ideas on how to improve the site and, ultimately, create a market of Task Posters and Task Solvers to help people get their office tasks done.
A Task Market Task is:
· Something that can be done for $20 to $500
· Something that the Task Poster could use help doing
· Something that can be delivered electronically, like a Microsoft Office document.
A Task Market Poster might need help with:
· a specialized Excel formula
· language translation
· letter writing
· an aspect of their accounting
· making a PowerPoint presentation “pretty”
· graphics, charts, formatting or logos
· research gathering
· proofreading
· building sell sheets, listing sheets or simple brochures
· fact checking
Task Market Solvers create profiles of their skills to help Posters assign tasks to Solvers with the right skill sets, and get email alerts when a job arrives that fits their skillsets. Posters can award and pay several solvers for tasks to compare results, and give more work to the ones they like. All without the commitment of a freelance engagement.
Check out the working tech preview at . Who knows. We may be building a whole new economy. We’d like to start with you and your readers. Let me know if you have any questions.
Posted by Nora P. at 11:18 AM 0 comments
Our Current Photos
These our current photos we took it on Saturday. As usual we like to take pictures when we go shopping or eat lol. I like taking pictures it's fun and I just like it I almost like to take pictures of anything I could think of heheheeeeeeeeee. Have a nice Tuesday!
Posted by Nora P. at 10:58 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 09, 2008
Land Band Surgery
Want to have Lap-Band Surgery and looking for specialist doctor? Dr. Richard Collier is a Lap-Band Surgery Specialist, who provides a comprehensive Lap-Band, weight loss surgery program as an alternative to the more invasive Gastric Bypass Surgery in The Woodlands, Conroe, Houston, Kingwood, and Spring, Texas areas. So, if want to have surgery visit their website and try thier lap band houston. Good luck.
Posted by Nora P. at 10:28 PM 0 comments
It's All About You and Me
Thanks Dai Francine for this tag. Appreciate your being kindness and thoughtfulness.
1. Add your blog/s to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs. It’s okay if you only post this questions in one blog as long as you answer them.
2. Get back to YEN and will add your blogs to the master’s list here! Yup, another linking thingy but this one has 15 questions and you get to enjoy answering them too!3. Tag as many friends online you know. But you don’t need to be tag in order to join.
QUESTIONS: 1. When you buy a greetings card, are the words or the picture more important to you?- both I like to look at the pictures and I like to read the words outside and inside.
2. What’s your favorite kind of cake?- Vanilla cake
3. Do you ever make gifts for people, if so what, or do you buy them?- yes I do make gifts. Like watch, earrings, necklace and etc.
4. What’s your favorite holiday?- Christmas and New Year
5.Are you going on holiday this year?- yes
6. What was the best party you’ve ever been to?- I think my wedding party was the best one of all.
7.If you are married, describe your wedding. If not, what would your ideal wedding be like?- I got married one time back in Philippines on Sept.22nd 2004.
8. What’s the most romantic thing that’s ever happened to you?- I think when my husband and I went swimming in Manila hotel pool.
9. What’s your favorite girl’s name?- Sarah Elizabeth, and Angel
10. What’s your favorite boy’s name?-Aaron, and David
11. Which celebrity would you like a dream date with? Right now?- Steaven Seagal, and Roger heheeeee.
12. Which female celebrity do you find beautiful?-celine Dion, Angelina Jolie, and Jennifer Aniston,
13. Which male celebrity do you think is attractive?- Steaven Seagal, and Leonardo
14. What is your best character trait?- a friend that you can always rely on and will always defend on you at times of trouble.
15. What is your worst habits?- moody and lazy
The List:1. Me and Mine 2.Creative In Me 3.Little Peanut 4. Pea in a Pod 5. Sugar Magnolias 6. 6. A Life in Bloom 7. Because Life is a Blessing 8. Nita’s Random Thoughts 9. Nita’s Corner 10. Nita’s Ramblings 11. Thomas Web Links 12. Thomas Travel Tales 13. Great Finds and Deals 14. Make Money Online 15. Recipe Collections 16. My Wandering Thoughts 17. Filipino Online Community 18. Famous Lyrics Collections 19. Thomas Digital Services 20. Bohol Paradise 21. PRC Board Exam Results 22. My Paperless Writings 23. As The World Turns 24. My BIG Picture 25. When Silence Speaks 26. Felicity’s Vision 27. Bienvenue `a la Noryfel 28. Inday’s Kitchen 30. My Life 31. My Life in this Wonderful World! 32.Me,Myself+2 33.FunFierceFabulous 34. Supermodel Wannabe 35. kathycot dot com 36. 37. In Depth 38. My so called Life 39. Life’s Impression 40. Vhiel’s Corner 41. Anything and Everything in Between 42. Designs By Vhiel 43. Can of Thoughts 44. Chez Francine 45. Le bric à brac de Cherie 46. La Place de Cherie 47. Nora's Notes 48.ADD YOUR BLOG HERE!
I'm passing this tag to my friend Marie.
Posted by Nora P. at 8:37 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 08, 2008
JourneyLite For Life
If you’ve struggled with your weight and no amount of dieting and exercise has worked, the LAP-BAND System from JourneyLite may be for you. The LAP-BAND System is the safest, proven weight loss surgery available today and it is the only weight-loss surgery that is completely reversible and adjustable for life. JourneyLite offers a comprehensive weight-loss surgery program that will guide you through every step of your journey.
Posted by Nora P. at 10:17 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Looking For Luggage?
Every season is travel season. So whether you are flying to meet relatives, taking a family road trip, going on vacation or even jet setting to work, you will need to have some kind of bag to carry of your stuff. So, if you are looking for nice luggage to buy visit the Wiki website now. They have everything for you and on sales too and of course if you shop from them you can always find a good deal or cheap price from them.
They have a very good wide selections of their luggage with different colors, styles, and brands. They have luggage's called Lightweight Luggage, Standard Luggage, and Luggage Sets. These kinds of luggage are very good and comfortable for travel or in any purposes. So, visit them now and start your shopping. Have fun.
Posted by Nora P. at 6:33 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 06, 2008
My Rose Bush
This is my new rose bush that my husband bought for me on Sunday. My father in law and I planted it in front of our house on monday. Don't you think it's a very pretty flower? I love it it's beautiful, rose is one of my favorite flowers. smells good too.
Posted by Nora P. at 3:44 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 05, 2008
I want to have some sun protection
Everyone should use a good skin protection product as we can get skin cancer if we are over exposed to the sun. If we want to protect our skin we should all protect ourselves by using a good sunscreen. We need to apply it to all area's of our body that are exposed, especially arms face and legs. Since it's summer now I like to take the babies outside to play. They love going out after having to stay inside all winter but I worry, so that is why I always use sun screen lotion and I wanted to tell you all about this great web site I found that also has sun protection clothing. They have very nice swim suits that also protect you from the suns harmful rays. I'm so glad I found this site because now I know my kids will be safe outside at the beach or anywhere my husband wants to take us. Check it out at this is a suppliers of superior quality Sun Protection Swimsuits, Sun Protection Clothing, Sunsuits, Stinger Suits, Rash Guards, Surf Shirts, Sun Hats, Shorts, and Tights, covering all your family needs. Sizes range for kids, women and men.
Ecostinger is a unique eco-friendly sun protection swimwear and UV protective clothing company in the world. Their experience in the sun protection industry expands over 7 years. Not only they produce the best quality sun protection garments you can find in USA, Australia, Europe or worldwide, but they also use the best sun protection fabrics featuring UPF50+ UV cover highest industry rating which blocks 97.5% of the sun UV radiation, Italian made, and chlorine resistant proof, but they do not stop here, in fact they made it their mission to take into consideration the environment when producing and offering their Sun Clothing range. Hey they also have a guarantee that if you are not happy with their product for any reason you can return it to them and they will exchange or refund you. For more information visit their site at
Posted by Nora P. at 10:25 PM 0 comments
A taggy from Janese
Thank you Janese for this cool tag of yours1. Tere-Blessing in Life 2.Yen- Me and Mine 3.Aggie - Pink and Brown Diaries. 4. Mich - Random Thoughts 5. Vannie - FunFierceFab 6. Jane - My Charmed Life 7. Abie – Women Xplore 8. Jody - In This Game of Life 9. Eds – Just Me 10. something purple 11.vanity kit 12. em's detour 13. mind bubbles 14. In Demand Opinions 15. Sweet Lullaby 16. MJ's Hurrah17. Buzzing Around 18. Tasteful Voyage 19. A Mom's Note 20. moms..... check nyo 21. Technotrend 22. Ness 23.Filipino love stories 24. Lisa 25. Ester's Daily Thought 26.Missbodybeautiful 27. My Daily Thoughts and Moods 28. Jm's DAILY ROUNDS 29. Worldblog 30. Nora's Notes 31Your next!
1. What do you want for your birthday? I want to have more fun, good health and wish all my dreams come true lol.
2. Who will be your next kiss? hmmmmmmmm... I have no idea but i'm sure and know all I want to kiss is my husband and kids heheheeee.
3. When was the last time you went to the mall? I think on may with my husband and kids.
4. Are you wearing socks right now? no I'm not it's hot
5. How did you spend your summer? To the hotel we went swimming.
6. Have you been to the cinema in the last 5 days? no.
7. What was the last thing you had to drink? water.
8. What are you wearing right now? Just shorts and a top
9. What was your last purchase? clothes for my babies.
10. What was the last food you ate? rice cake or bodbod.
11. Who would be the person you would call if you were up in the middle of the night and couldn’t sleep? my husband because he is working and his up during the night.
12. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? yes on Saturday.
13. Do you have a pet? yes we have my sister in law's dog and cat.
14. What made you laugh in the last 5 days? my kids and my husband he is always try to find something to make me laugh.
15. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? visit to my family in Philippines.
16. What is the last thing you purchased online? nothing.
17. One thing you hate about yourself? my english and my belly fat lol.
18. Do you miss anyone? Yes my family back home.
19. What are your plans for the day? finish all my works before bed time.
20. Last person you sent message? my sister Ana.
21. Ever went to a camp? no.
22. Are you a good student in school? yes I think so.
23. What do you know about the (your) future? no i don't know only God knows.
24. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne? right now? no I'm not just sometimes when we go out.
.25. Where is/are your best friend/s right , now? In kalumboyan and the one is in Manila city.
I'm tagging Francine and Sis. Ana.
Posted by Nora P. at 6:06 PM 2 comments
Looking For Web Hosting?
We always download pictures videos and some other stuff online. I'm sure our online storage is now full of different things and it needs a new one. My husband and I are thinking to buy a new web hosting for our computer. I am so glad and thankful I found a Network Solutions is a reliable web hosting provider offering web site hosting service packages. This website is a perfect place to go to buy a web hosting because they have the best web hosting with the best prices. They also give you the space and bandwidth you need and the best customer support. They have three kinds of web hosting standard web hosting, advanced web hosting, and pro web hosting. The standard web hosting is the cheapest it's only $9.96 a month w/ annual purchase. The pro web hosting is $29.13 a month w/ annual purchase and their most popular web hosting is the advanced web hosting for $13.30 a month w/ annual purchase.
They're all with annual purchase but if you have lots of money and want to choose the most expensive one you might choose the pro web hosting. I'd say they're all good and reliable web hosting but if we'll buy one we might choose the standard web hosting because it's the cheapest. As of our situation right now that we can hardly survive to live so I think it's better to choose the standard web hosting. Their reliable web hosting services provide ample amounts of disk and e-mail storage, multiple FTP accounts, and the powerful tools you need to build and host web sites. So, if you guys are planning to buy web hosting visit Network Solutions for all the web hosting you need.
Posted by Nora P. at 4:31 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Today is my husband's last day of School
My husband and I are so very happy that today is his last day of school. Thankfully the school is going to be over today yahooo.... From tomorrow until next fall he don't have to go to work in the morning. But he still have to go to work at night from 5pm to 1Am I don't like it because I prefer him to be home with us during the night. But we have no choice it's hard to find a high paying job so he has to do it. We're happy that he has to work one job only this summer but we're going to tight with the money lol. That's alright though I like him to be home with us always so i'll try not to spend too much when we go shopping hahahaaaaaaa. If ever I can't control myself from spending a lot of money I have to get my PPP money and use it to spend for anything I want to buy lol.
It's kind of sad though that the PPP is so very slow these days. Just when the social park came the PPP started to slow down. In fact I'm losing hope on PPP sometimes and planning to find a job. Huh it's bad and tough especially I still don't have a PR on my blog.
Posted by Nora P. at 11:07 AM 0 comments
Professional Services at your Doorstep
To call or to make an online appointment is always very easy and fast. So, if you like to make an online appointment. ServeMeHere is the first professional services referral community with online appointment feature. This is the website where you can get or hire professionals lawyers, massage therapists, tutors, etc. They offer services and display their appointment schedule online. So, what are you waiting for book online now with pros.
Posted by Nora P. at 10:18 AM 0 comments
KFC Chicken
Want some KFC fried chicken? I bought it from KFC restaurant on Saturday after we went to eat and shopping. I bought it for Sarah and for me for dinner boy it was so very good. We like it a lot but we usually don't buy KFC chicken because it's kind of expensive.
Posted by Nora P. at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Want to Play Slobs Racing Game?
Looking for a cool online racing game? I found an online racing game called 'Slobs Racing'. Racing games are always very fun I like it but I've never have experienced or even seen the slobs racing yet. But, I'm sure slobs racing is very good and fun game so what are you wating for PLAY SLOB'S RACING!!!!! now by visiting their site at Have fun.
Posted by Nora P. at 8:47 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 02, 2008
Clothes For Their Birthday
These are the clothes we bought on Saturday. The brown pants with brown and powder blue stripes top is for Aaron for his birthday. His birthday is a long way to go yet but it's better to buy him early than late. The two dress are for Sarah for her birthday. It's two because I bought one and my husband bought one too lol. It's the same with Aaron my husband bought him one clothes and I bought him one but the one I bought for him is not for his birthday and he can wear it anytime. Actually I bought 3 included with the short the short is for Sarah it was on sale for $2.40 so I bought it.
Anyway, we bought two dresses for Sarah and I'd like to hear your opinions which one of her dresses is the best to wear for her birthday. The one with yellow and pink stripes or the one that is all pink color? They're both pretty and it's hard to pick which one is really the best lol.
Posted by Nora P. at 5:28 PM 0 comments