Wednesday, January 30, 2008

We had a dark night last night

Our lights went out about 7pm last night and gosh that was very dark inside the house and had a very strong wind outside. Sarah cried when the light went out and became very dark in the house. I think she was scared in the dark the good thing we have two small lamps to use and she stopped crying when I turned on the light and hugged her. Aaron wasn't sleeping yet so I was holding both of them. That was hard glad my father in law came downstairs and helped me out. At 10pm my husband called me and ask what's going on why the our phone didn't ring. Well I told him our lights went out and he immediately ask permission from his boss to come back home after he knew that our lights went out. And planning to take us to the hotel if the lights didn't come back on. I am thankful that we were all done eating after the lights went out and able I able to put Sarah and Aaron in bed but after a while Sarah woke up crying. She probably felt cold in her room and couldn't sleep because there was no heat and light. I couldn't sleep too all I did was taking care of them put them in bed and made our wood furnace going. And since Sarah woke up and couldn't sleep back I picked her up and put her on our couch which is closer to our wood furnace so that she could feel warm. I held and hugged her on the couch until he's dad got home. Thankully just after a few minutes when my husband got home the lights came back on..Yeahey! we were all happy and we immediately turned on the heaters and after the house warmed up a little bit we put Sarah back in bed..It was very cold last night but Aaron slept very good because I wrapped him very well and covered him with our thick blanket. And glad Sarah able to sleep back after our lights came back on and our house became warm. And so are we we all went to bed after all.