Tuesday, June 19, 2007

" Just received some wedding pic's"

We just received some wedding pictures of my sister Gemma. At last their wedding is finished just on june 18th, 2007. Oh! she looks so very fantastic,so very pretty and smilling!!! I am sure she's happy and lucky to marry the guy she loves with all her heart. We saw they got married in the same church where we were married and it brought back such nice and happy memories. I saw all my family and friends there in attendance. I just wish we could have gone to be there with them in there happy time. It's to hard for me to travel right now though because I'm more than 6 months pregnant so we just wish them all the happiness in the world and we know if there life is half as happy as ours it will be so great. So to my sister Gemma and her husband Jimmy we say have a great honeymoon and we hope to see you here in the USA as soon as possible.
My sister Ana will make a slide show for Gemma's wedding pic's so I'll share it to you as soon as she finishes making it. Have a wonderful day!!!