Hi guys, it's friday and tomorrow is weekend. I'm sure those people who are working are happy now because this is the last day of their works. One of them is my husband he is always happy every friday. In fact, he'll always say friday is his day yeahheyy! I am glad to see him smiling or laughing because I know how hard it is working with two jobs. He is working two jobs one in the day time and one at night. He works 6 hours in the day time and 8 hours at night so he works 14 hours a day. Isn't that long? Ohhh! I know and he said it's too hard for him working with two jobs but because we need the money he's doing it. He's doing it for us and I am so very lucky and proud of him. He just such a good guy, loving, industrious and responsible. I just feel bad when I see him weak, sleepy and tired every time he gets home and when he ask me to massage his back before he sleep. I would do it without any complain or murmur. Anyway, it seems like I have nothing to do on the computer yet. So, we'll be out for a while. I'll take Sarah for a wagon ride. she likes it, and she likes to be out always so I would take her out as often as I can. Ok till next time folks. Have a great weekend a head!!! mwaahh!!!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Territory Real Estate
Some agency services are fakers, maybe even liars! But, I would say this website I found is good and reliable because they honestly represent a buyer's best interests in a real estate transaction a firm. Like exclusive buyer representation, flat fee and low pressure atmosphere. A real estate purchase is a bigger financial transaction, and should not be made under duress or while being forced by a salesperson. Anyway, Territory Real Estate is a dramatic new entry to the brokerage industry. They offer exclusive buyer representation for a low flat-fee of $3995 and they ensure their clients never feel forced by paying their agents with a salary instead of a commission.
Posted by Nora P. at 10:17 PM 0 comments
I grabbed this tag from Rissa and found out what sandals I am. Well, I am a flat sandals according to the results of the quiz I took about it LOL.
Whoever would love to do this kind of thing. Just feel free to grab it. Take care!!!
You are Flat Sandals |
![]() Casual yet flirty You look great in a simple top and jeans Your look is approachable and cute! |
Posted by Nora P. at 9:20 PM 1 comments
Looking for motorhomes?
Are you looking for motorhomes? I found a website that sells large american RVs in the UK. They're selling motorhomes, and I tell you it is a very good motorhomes because I just have been to their website and I saw it. In fact, I would like to buy one if I have some money. Imagine motorhomes it's a fantastic kind of motorhomes. I guess you can go anywhere you want with this motorhomes. All you need is just buy gasoline and it will run as far as you want to go. It's unique and pretty thing if we can have one we would be lucky. Anyway, if you guys have plans to buy motorhomes just feel free to take a look at their website here.
Posted by Nora P. at 8:14 PM 0 comments
I took a quiz if what flower I am
I visited Nora's Blog. I saw she has this kind of quiz if what flower are you. So, I took a quiz about it and here's my result. I am a snapdragon flower LOL. If you guys, would like to find out what's yours too just click the words what flower are you? Then it will take you there ok? Have fun!
Posted by Nora P. at 9:39 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
What makes you a good friend?
You Are a Good Friend Because You're Supportive |
![]() You are almost like a life coach for your best friends. You give them help when they need it... but you also know when to give them a push. People tend to rely on you for moral support and advice. You've probably always been mature for your age, so this is a role that's you're comfortable with. A friend like you is one of the rarest kinds. You are both a good mentor and companion. Your friends need you most when: They are confused or worried You really can't be friends with: Someone who only wants to complain Your friendship quote: "The only way to have a friend is to be one." |
I grabbed this tag from Marie and I'm tagging everyone. Enjoy!!!
Posted by Nora P. at 6:15 PM 0 comments
Family and cosmetic dentist
We have been looking for a good specialize dentist before to clean and remove the cavities in our teeth. Thankfully, I found this website where we can possibly go and have them remove the cavities and clean our teeth. We really need a dentist and I think this San Diego dentist is the best dentist we can get. So, I will make sure to check their website here pretty soon and make an appointment to them as soon as possible. Anyway, they're offering some services like Zoom whitening,
* Invisalign invisible braces * Porcelain veneers, * Dental implants, * Bonding, * Porcelain crowns, onlays and inlays, * Recontouring and if you guys think you need the stuff they got. You might check their website here too.
Posted by Nora P. at 6:11 PM 0 comments
My prenatal check up
We went to the Doctor today for my prenatal check up and you know what? I'm now 36 weeks pregnant. I'm getting close to pop don't I? oh my, I gained a lot of weight too. Our baby boy is getting so big. He measured like 36 inch long. I'm wondering how could I gained weight that much because in fact I don't eat lunch sometimes cause of my being laziness. Lazy to fix something to eat for lunch. I just eat snacks and cook real food like rice with somthing for dinner instead then eat a lot as I can. Hmmm... I hate to be lazy but sometimes I am hehe. Anyway, I'm 129 lbs now. I gained like 7 lbs because I was 122 lbs last time we visited to the Doctor. As well the heart beat of our baby was sounds good and strong. Glad everything is fine for him and for me. Except I have a swollen foot since on Sunday. According to the Doctor it's natural though if you are pregnant. But, he wants me to sleep in my left side from now on try if the swollen on my foot will go away if I sleep in my left side. I usually sleep in my right side because this is the side where I can sleep good. But,since he told me to sleep in my left side I'll do it for my good sake. Ok guys, till next time. Goodnight!!!
Posted by Nora P. at 10:25 AM 1 comments
Save on holiday shopping
Hello guys, you know that the holiday season is coming? First the Halloween, then Thanksgiving. So, what is your plan? Do you have any plans? If you ask me, yes, I do have so many plans. As you know, I have one daughter and I'm planning to buy her a Halloween costume for the this Halloween. I would like to buy it at Target. My other plan is I would love to buy some neat gifts for our baby boy who is coming soon this September. I want him to have nice things to use like playpen, stroller, baby bed; crib, and others things he needs, and I would like to buy them from Walmart. As I said, I have so many plans this coming Holidays, so I'm going to use this online coupons to buy the gifts and things I need. If you guys want to use online coupons, too, just feel free to check their website here.
Posted by Nora P. at 10:15 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 27, 2007
Buot Buot na tag!!!
I've got this tagged from Marie's Blog, Bahalag wala ko gi tag pero ako ning gikuha ug buhaton para lingaw-lingaw ra gud.
Where is your cell phone? On my computer Desk
Relationship? Happily Married
Your hair? Long, Black Straight Hair
Work? Just home work and Watching and taking care our baby girl
Your sister? We are 5 sisters & 2 brothers. I'm the third child in our family.
Your favorite thing? Shopping, eating, watching TV and computer
Your dream last night? Oh! I dreamed about our neighbor who courted me before LOL. I didn't think about him but he just appeared in my dream last night.
Your favorite drink? Ice tea in Philippines, lemonade, sunny D orange and coca-cola
Your dream car? A gorgeous car but don't know the name yet
The room you’re in? Bedroom
Your shoes? adidas, nike, and others
Your fears? worms, snakes and leeches (yikes)
What do you want to be in 10 years? I want to be rich and be able to buy a house for my parents
Who did you hang out with this weekend? My hubby and our baby
What are you not good at? Being a Plastic!Be yourself, Being selfish! and to speak english I'm not very good at it. I'm still learning.
Stuff Muffin? Blueberry Muffins
One of your wish list items? Well, I wish to have my own big screen laptop that I can use to PPP when we go somewhere which far away from home.
Where you grew up? Kalumboyan, Bayawan city, Philippines
Last thing you did? Changed Sarah's diaper
What are you wearing? Maternity T-shirt & short. It's warm here
What aren’t you wearing? Watch because I have no watch hehehe
Your pet? Cat and Dog
Your computer? HP Pavilion brand
Your life? Wonderful
Your mood? Good
Missing? My family, relatives and friends in Philippines. Also foods LOL.
What are you thinking about right now? Finish this meme and do laundry or take a walk outside the house
Your car? Hybrid Honda civic
Your kitchen? Rectangular Shape and a Bar counter!
Your summer? great!
Your favorite colors? pink, red, orange, black, white, yellow green, and purple
Last time you laughed? Yesterday! when my husband stopped at Ryan's Restaurant then he changed his mind to go somewhere else LOL.
Last time you cried? Last few weeks but i can't remember what date
School? Before? ACSAT in Philippines-Asian college and Science Technology. I went to college there just for 1 or 2 semester.
Love? One love is enough, two love is too much, three love is poison to kill a person
Whoever loves to do this meme's just grab it,labi natong walay lingaw o gusto mo lingaw-lingaw like me. Ako-ako ra nag tag sa akong self ah. Ug if you guys like to do the same.Just help yourself ok? Have a happy monday!
Posted by Nora P. at 10:54 PM 0 comments
My sister Ana & her family are going to chicago
My sister Ana and her family are going to Chicago this coming 29th of August for Hannah's foot check up, and you know that Chicago is closer to us. So they are going to stop by our house. It's been almost 1 year now since I saw her in Michigan last year. I'm so excited to see them again. My niece Tiana is 7 years old and I think she's bigger now and getting more pretty and so is Hannah. Ok guys, I'm just doing a small update here in my blog because I have a lot to do LOL. I'm really busy right now. Trying to clean our house as best I can. I'm thankful though, with my husband because he's helping me out. He's cleaning our house now while I'm here on the computer messing around LOL. Ok guys, bye for now because I have a lot to do then later we'll be going out to go shopping for a while. So farewell and have a happy sunday!!!
Posted by Nora P. at 10:53 PM 0 comments
Reading Tutors
Me and my husband have been looking for tutors for our kid because it won't be long then she will be schooling. I know it's hard for the parents if their kids doesn't know how to read, and to make sure our daughter won't have any troubles about reading when she go to School. We are planning to hire a Reading Tutors to teach her. That way she can learn how to read immediately and she'll be ready when she go to School. Isn't that good idea? Anyway, score Learning centers helps children ages 4 to 14 make significant academic progress in an innovative tutoring environment and if you guys have plans to hire a reading tutors too like us you might check their website I provided here.
Posted by Nora P. at 10:49 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 24, 2007
Sarah's well baby's check up
Sarah just had her well baby's check up today. Thankfully, everything was good. Her H.C is 46.2, length is 31 inch, and her weight is 24.14 oz, she's now almost 25 pounds as well. According to her Doctor she's doing great. She's showing a lot of improvements and growing this time. That means we are taking care of her properly. Yes we are and we're glad to heared the good news about her growing and health. Thanks God. Anyway, it's friday now. So, Happy weekend to all! Love yah!!!
Posted by Nora P. at 4:31 PM 1 comments
Terry's Fabrics, range of Window Blinds
It's been a long time now that I have been looking for window blinds. But, I couldn't find any I like from the stores. Luckily, I just found a website where I can buy it. This Terry's Fabrics have been offering the best in custom made blinds for many years. One of their window blinds named venetian blinds and I really need some of it for our windows to make it look good and pretty. So, I will make sure to check their website this week and buy the things I need for our windows. If you guys need window blinds too for your windows just feel free to check their website I put in here. They have everything you might want to buy remember they have the best in custom made blinds. Come and visit to their website now and buy the things you wanted for your windows.
Posted by Nora P. at 11:56 AM 1 comments
Looking For A Long Lost Friend
This is an artivle a fellow blogger passed on to me, so I thought, I would help out with getting the message out. It is way long to read, but if people are interested, sure they will read it. Anyway, I am sure that you guys will like reading it, it is interesting enough. I enjoyed reading it, well, it is touching to me. It is about two best friends, so it is fascinating...LOL. Okay, have fun reading, you may find it good to read. Learn a lesson and live well.
Dear Readers,
We hope that you can spare some of your time reading this article. It would mean a lot to one of our good friends in the blogosphere, if you can help her in this.
Our good friend named Sandy is currently searching for a person whom she had always regarded as her best friend. They were very close to each other, until a conflict between them arose. Ever since then, both of them lost touch of each other.
It has been nine long years since they last communicated with each other, and Sandy is deeply affected by her best friend’s absence. Her greatest wish right now is to reunite with her best friend and be close to her like before.
Her best friend’s name is Judy Sanford and is staying with her husband named Mike. According to Sandy, she was last found to be staying in California. Whether she is still staying in California or not is still a question mark. But you could be the person to answer the question!
If you happened to know Judy and her whereabouts, kindly inform us or inform Sandy directly via her blog. Even if you have never heard of Judy, you can still do your part by spreading this heartfelt message via your blogs.
Your immediate response to this message is greatly appreciated. What we are doing may be something small, but if all of us can put our hands together and be part of the search, it can bring two best friends together again after nine long years.
Sandy, please be strong in going through this obstacle in your life. Have great faith that miracles can happen, always look on the bright side of life, and believe that your long awaited wish could come true. We are here for you and will do our best to help you.
Judy, if you are reading this, please contact Sandy as soon as possible. She really misses you and wants to make up for the lost times. Let bygones be bygones. Hope that you will reciprocate Sandy’s feelings as soon as you can.
Bloggers, our team has come up with badges with the title ‘NAFASG CERTIFIED PARTNERS’ engraved on them.
These badges are designed specially for all our blogger friends who have shown a great amount of support towards our blog and our articles.
Below is the top list of NAFASG affiliates who truly deserve these badges:
v Mariuca
v Janice
v Jean
v Bobby
v Joe Zul
v Emila
v Thiamhin
v Fattien
v Don
v Jesse
v Make Traffic
v Karen
v Feel Happy
v Adam Mutum
v Trinity
v Jamilla
v Malawika
v Sandy G
v Fauzi
v Xiaoyenzi
v Sticky Artz
PS. I just copied this post from Nafasg as what he wanted me to do ok.
Posted by Nora P. at 11:35 AM 1 comments
Real Estate School Directory - FastClass.com
If you are planning a career in real estate or just like us in the spec home market you might like to take a look at this web site. Anyway, this Real Estate School Directory offers educational opertunities for people like us with interests in making money in the housing market. They also provides direct links to the schools online courses.
So check out their website I provided here for more informations and guide.
Posted by Nora P. at 11:20 AM 1 comments
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Alzheimer's Memory Walk for Charity
Alzheimer's Disease is difficult and hard kind of desease. But,now they have this Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk is the nation's largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer care, support and research. Held annually in hundreds of communities across the country, this inspiring event calls on volunteers of all ages to become champions in the fight against Alzheimer's. Since 1989, Memory Walk has raised more than $225 million. Team captains are needed now. So, if there's anybody interested about it please sign up to them now. Here's their links that might help you when you sign up, http://clk.atdmt.com/TGA/go/pyprpalz0030000037tga/direct/01/, http://clk.atdmt.com/TGA/go/pyprpalz0030000037tga/direct/01/. This their other link about text memory walk http://clk.atdmt.com/TGA/go/pyprpalz0030000037tga/direct/01. If you sign up as a Team Captain, you may just be asked through PPP Direct to blog about your Memory Walk experience!
Posted by Nora P. at 5:18 PM 0 comments
I have never get big opps
Since I started doing this PPP. The highest price of the opps I got was only $20 dollars. I have never get any big opps yet like $50 dollars. Yesterday was a good chance because they put some big opps. But, sadly I couldn't grab any of them. The reason why cause our connection is just dial up and it is so slow and it freeze up always. Ohhh! it's irritated me. Maybe I wasn't deserved though for big opps because if it's small price opps. I usually able to grab it LOL. In fact, there's a time I can hardly grab even if it's small and I know exactly what's wrong it's because of our slow connection no doubt. Anyway, how are you guys doing? Me I haven't eaten breakfast yet hehe. So, I will be away from the computer for a while and cook breakfast for me and for my hubby. Ok enjoy your day!!!
Posted by Nora P. at 11:10 AM 2 comments
Looking for low interest credit card?
We have been looking for credit cards where we can get good deals and low interest. Luckily, I found this credit cards from Mint offer a 0% interest credit card with a competitive introductory offer and a host of benefit. Glad I found it because we really need credit card to use to pay for our tv, car, and laptop computer. So, I might get one of their credit card as soon as possible to pay off our tv, car, and laptop. Isn't that sounds good Idea? If you guys, are looking for credit cards too with low interest check their website here I put. It is really a very good deal that you don't want to miss out.
Posted by Nora P. at 9:06 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
I always stay up
I always stay up almost every night. Certainly, I have not much to do important but I don't know why I'm staying up. I'm just always playing on the computer even this late at night. I'm doing anything I like here on the computer like looking for some pretty glitters and other things. Until I become tired and sleepy. Ohhh! because if I'll go to bed early I can't sleep so I rather to go bed late. That way I can sleep good once I fall asleep hehe. Now, I really feel tired and sleepy after playing on the computer for few hours. So, I will stop for now and go to bed. Goodnight!!! see you in the morning mwaahh!
Posted by Nora P. at 11:03 PM 0 comments
Texty.com - Web 2.0 Content
This texty is a new content management solution for small web publishers, allowing very fast and simple methods for web publishers to change web pages, bios, about pages, and others. Anyway, I'm planning to change my web pages so I might take a look at their website pretty soon and see what they got that I can use for my blog. If you guys have the same interest with me you might take a look at their website too. This
texty.com is a website where we can get something easy and fast to use to change our web pages, bios, about pages and others.
Posted by Nora P. at 8:59 PM 0 comments
I am so sad
I am so sad today because in the morning there was a lot of big opps they put. But, unlucky I couldn't grab any of them. Everytime I clicked the quilified oppurtunitis. Too bad they were all taken already so I got nothing. Huh! what a waste. I really feel so sad watching some big price opps. Then I got nothing even just one. They were all taken and disappeared just like magic LOL. I hope they will put some again this afternoon, so that I can PPP if I get lucky. Ok till next time guys. Have a good wensday!!!
Posted by Nora P. at 6:32 PM 1 comments
Skincare for Sensitive Skin
Is your skin dry and looking for something to treat your skin to be smooth and shiny? Good chance I just found a website where you can visit and buy things you need just to make your skin perfectly. This thing moisturize your dry skin and skincare for sensitive skin. Anyway, every time your wash your face it pulls the moisture from your skin causing it to age and wrinkle. As your skin dries, it also becomes more sensitive to irritants like the sun, wind and the irritants in your Face Wash, like coloring and fragrances. Now Arouge offers a face wash that actually moisturizes and heals your skin. Washing your face involves rubbing the face wash into your skin. This rubbing irritates your skin. Arouge Delicate Foaming Face Wash is a foam that lifts impurities from your skin gently with zero rubbing. It is a very good product and make your skin to be perfect as the way you wanted. So, visit their webite now and buy the things you needed for your skin.
Posted by Nora P. at 4:46 PM 0 comments
Iv been tagged by: Gracie!!! Thanks a lot Gracie
My name: Nora
childhood ambition: To be a Pilot
soundtrack: Buy you something to eat by, subway
retreat: Bed room or front room
wildest dream: To visit Hawaii and England!!!
proudest moment: When i got married everything was perfect lol
biggest challenge: hmmm i can't tell
alarm clock: I don't use alarm clock
perfect day: When we met of myhusband for the second time
indulgence: Blogging, shopping, computer, bags,
last purchase: Sarah's toys piano and key ring
favorite movie: Love story, action, and comedy
inspiration: My family, relatives, and friends
My life is: Complete and happy. Sometimes is sad too
My card is: Discovery, express..credit cards are pain in the b***
Im tagging Sis.Ana, my namesick Nora, Nice, and lionheart
Posted by Nora P. at 2:22 PM 0 comments
Get paid to advertise on Blogs
Hi everyone, I would like to tell you about a website that actually pays you to Blog! It's called "Smorty", my sister.Ana introduced me to this site, so I thought I would share it with some of my friends. Many of you post daily anyway, so why not get paid for it? Join me and let’s advertise on blogs. I'm not working, so this is a chance to make a little extra income while I'm just staying home with our baby. If any of you are out of work or just want a little "extra" cash every month this would be a good opportunity for you. Yes, this is blog advertising but remember, many people will visit your Blog and have the chance to be introduced to new items that they wouldn't normally know about. So go to their website and take a look, I think you will like what you see. Drop by my website too and let me know what you think. Good Blogging!
Posted by Nora P. at 2:16 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Ashop Commerce
Ashop Commerce provides a turn-key ecommerce solution with it's revolutionary online store building software. One of the worlds most easy to use web based administrations with award winning features allows the merchant to build an online store capable of competing with the webs most powerful sites for a simple, low monthly fee. Ashop Commerce is the most intuitive shopping cart software in the world providing the most up to date and relevant advice you need to start or advance your online business.
Accept credit cards online, customise the design, features and all content of an online store by yourself within hours. If you want feel free to test drive their demo store's to see the advanced functionality for yourself. Ashop Commerce shopping carts are integrated with all major banks, gateways and third party processors including PayPal full functionality integration. Credit cards are now a widely accepted form of payment in online stores and our built in SSL protection checkout security means your customers pay with confidence. They can offer advice on obtaining credit card processing facilities. Anyway, this ecommerce software will help you build your own bussiness. You don't need to be a computer expert to build it. Just get ecommerce software and you will be on your way to start.
Posted by Nora P. at 10:53 PM 0 comments
Pretty Diamonds
I have been browsing the internet lately and I found this Diamonds pictures. So, I collected some of them because they're just such a pretty diamonds and it's fascinate me. I love diamonds. Diamonds are forever. Diamonds are a girls best friend. If i have some money and can afford to buy them I would buy them all, and keep them for myself hehehe. Isn't that sounds good idea? Anyway, thanks to all who have stop by here in my blog. I appreciate your time. Love yah.
Posted by Nora P. at 3:43 PM 2 comments
The Next Internet Millionaire reality show
I found a website where you can subscribe and win big price. This The Next Internet Millionaire is the world's first competitive Internet reality show. If you like Survivor, The Apprentice or The Amazing Race, you will love this show where twelve people compete for a $25,000 cash prize and a joint venture with Joel Comm, one of the world's leading Internet entrepreneurs. The Next Internet Millionaire is a groundbreaking series for both reality fans and people who want to learn how they can make money online. Me one of the interested making money online so i will make sure to check their website here soon and maybe I will subscribe too. If you guys, have the same interest with me feel free to check their website here and subscribe to it.
Posted by Nora P. at 3:36 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 20, 2007
Rainy monday!
We have a rainy monday here. I was planning to go out earlier but the soil was wet and it's still sprinkling so I didn't go out. I am playing on the computer as always LOL. Maybe if it will stop sprinkling later and the soil drys out I might go out and harvest my green beans and okra. Ohhh! I like eating vegetables and meat. We had a nice dinner together with Roger's Auntie and Uncle last night. They are good people and friendly. They lived in Decatur and they came up here just to have dinner with us hehehe. They missed us especially Sarah. Sarah cried though, at first they held her. Eventually, she became use to them because we went together in one car and she didn't cry anymore when they held her gain. Just for the first time maybe because they're new people for Sarah, I guess, and she didn't see them as often. So, that's why she was scared of them. She don't stay scared for a long time because after some time she liked them and she didn't cry anymore. We took some pictures with them but some didn't turn out good so I'm not sure if i can share it with you or not. Take care!!!
Posted by Nora P. at 2:19 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Today is sunday but we didn't go to Church. We just stay home all day and do nothing lol. In fact, I did a little cleaning in our house and this afternoon we are going out to eat dinner. Together with the Auncle and Auntie of my husband. So, I'm just doing a little update here because I need to take shower and get ready before they will come over here. I don't want to be late. I know they don't like to wait for so long so Babbuh na muna!!!!.
Posted by Nora P. at 2:48 PM 2 comments
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Are you looking for someone to help your paperwork or bussiness?
Me and my husband was looking for someone to help us about my visa papers. Eventually we found one and he was a lawyer. He helped us a lot until I came here. But, oh my he charged us big money everytime we ask him to help us. Luckily, I found this good website where we can ask for more help with low fees. One of our new problems is How to obtain a free EIN (Tax ID) and I think this website I just found can really give us help about it. They are not lawyers but they don't charge high fees. All they do is to help with all the paperwork which might be complicated to people who are not familiar with starting businesses. They can set up corporation or LLC in any state. Currently the most popular is Nevada: http://www.incparadise.com/. Nevada is very business friendly state with no state income taxes. Other very popular states are: Texas: http://www.incparadise.com/texas.htm, Florida: http://www.incparadise.com/florida.htm,Arizona: http://www.incparadise.com/arizona.htm. Anyway, their company is based in Las Vegas. They also opened a new branch in Memphis,TN.http://www.incparadise.com/tennessee.htm
Not only they can help with all the paperwork, but they can also provide a space to start a business. They have a program for virtual offices and executive suites. You can basically use their office with free phones and internet. You can use their conference room. And it all starts at $45 per month. Great for start ups. Why meet clients in Starbucks when you can meet them in professional office.
http://www.incparadise.com/tn/virtual-office.htm. So, if you guys have the same interest with me you might check their website here and hire them to help your bissiness or paperwork.
Posted by Nora P. at 7:56 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 17, 2007
It's friday
My husband is always happy every friday because after friday. It's the weekend LOL..and he does not have to go to work. But, go shopping or either just stay home watch TV and relax. I know weekends are the favorite time for the people who are working. For me, weekend or not I feel just the same. I have always the same activities everyday hehehe. Actually, I feel a little board on weekends. You know why? because there's not many OPPS. Being online everyday doing some different online stuff and PPP is one of my enjoyments hahaha. Certainly I am computer addicted now. Not like before when I wasn't computer addicted yet. Ohh! I can hardly update my blog but now almost everyday or everyday. Ok guys this is it for now.
. Kisses muah!!! come by as often.
Posted by Nora P. at 4:56 PM 4 comments
Lab Band by JourneyLite
There are so many people with obesity problem, that I see them going under the knife just so they can feel light and be able to live life in a much more comfrtable way. Now, for those looking for surgical procedures that are a lot less damaging to your skin, in terms of producing so many marks, you might want to see about this lap band surgery available for those seeking to have a tummy tack or anything related to that. Come and see the website for more information.
Posted by Nora P. at 4:49 PM 0 comments
Candies and Goodies
Oh! how beautiful these cupcakes are. I love cupcakes because they're so sweet and look so very pretty. These cupcakes have delicious icing and are decorated so very nice. Oh! yummy.
Have you ever eaten a banana split? Me I tried one time when I went to my sister Ana's house in Detroit Michigan. That was my first time to eat a banana split hehehe. It was very tasty I love them ever since that time.
Heart shapes candies. Aren't they looking so pretty? oohh! They're all nicely decorated and delicious.
Star shapes candies. They're pretty to decrotive for a birthday party. Aren't they?
Another sweet tasty candies. I love eating candies, chocolates and other sweet stuff but,I am Pregnant this time so my saliva was just leaking watching them LOL. Wish I can eat anything I want. It's hard for the pregnant women like me because I'm under control of the foods I should eat. Like sea foods, candies, chocolates and drinks. I'll be glad when I'm done with this second pregnancy. That way I can eat all I want. Till next time thanks for coming kisses muah!!!!
Posted by Nora P. at 12:06 PM 55 comments
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Electronic Closing - Need Links
Electronic Closing is generating excitement in business and lending circles alike with the promise of eliminating paper and creating value by providing an entirely electronic closing process for completing mortgages. Anyway, this electronic closing promises to revolutionize the mortgage banking industry and save lenders, settlement agents, investors, and borrowers thousands of dollars. In the traditional paper-based mortgage process, loan documents are created, executed, and stored as paper files. In the eMortgage and process with electronic closing, loan documents are converted to an electronic format known as a SMARTDoc. SMARTDocs are based on XML, an Internet-based technology that allows the document itself and the data that fills the document to be separated.
Posted by Nora P. at 4:51 PM 0 comments
I Got Tagged by Marie , Thanx Marie...
What do I need to do?
1. Go to Wikipedia and type in your birthday (month and day).
2. Write down three events, 2 births, 1 holiday and tag 5 friends.
3. There are five slots in the Birthday Meme. As you are tagged, you have to remove the name in the first slot and bump everyone up so that your name can be added to the bottom.
Ok here’s mine, my birthday is November 20
Three Events:
1955 - RCA offers a $35,000 contract for Elvis Presley
1947 - The Princess Elizabeth marries Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten at Westminster Abbey in London.
2000 - Judith Keppel becomes the first one million pound winner on the original Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? which is hosted by Chris Tarrant in the United Kingdom.
Two Births:
1851 - Queen Margherita of Italy (d. 1926)
1948 - Barbara Hendricks, American-born singer
One holiday:
United Kingdom - wedding day of Queen Elizabeth II (1947), official flag day
I'm tagging Sis.Ana, Dauphine, Agring, Lanie, and Honey
Posted by Nora P. at 4:48 PM 1 comments
eDisclosures - need links
Do you have any documents that you want to be deliver? I found a website for it.Electronic eDisclosures are generating excitement in business and lending circles alike with the promise of eliminating paper and creating value by providing an entirely electronic process for delivering disclosure documents. It is good and fast way to deliver your any documents. So, contact them now by clicking the website I put in here.
Posted by Nora P. at 4:43 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Some Pretty Quotes I have found
I love these quotes I found last night. I think they're pretty. Love the pictures too. That's why I decided to to post it or shared it to you.. Anyway, as usual I have troubles grabbing the opps. As you can see I got nothing yesterday. But the math tutors which I've done it before hehehe. I just tried to write about it again perhaps they'll accept it LOL. If not it's ok no prob.
Posted by Nora P. at 10:36 PM 0 comments
My daughter needs a math tutor
My daughter is going to school after a few years, and I know how hard mathematics subject is. When I was studying Math was the hardest subject I have ever had. In fact, I always got a lowest scores when our teacher gave us tests about math. Ohhh I hated mathematics, and I don't want my daughter is going to have some problems about math. So, I'm planning to hire a Math Tutors to teach her to make sure she can learn all about mathematics when she starts her school soon. Anyway, if you guys or your kids have troubles about mathematics here's the best website I have found where you can hire math tutors for your kids. Just click the website I have provided here and you will find what you are looking for. Score Learning centers helps children ages 4 to 14 make significant academic progress in an innovative tutoring environment. If your kids ages 4 to 14 why not to go their website here and hire math tutors for easy and fast way for your kids to learn about mathematics.
Posted by Nora P. at 10:29 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Goodnight everyone
It's getting late here now and I think I'm going to log off soon and go to bed. Anyway, I just got one opps today beccause of our connection is so slow. I had trouble grabbing opps today, especially the PPP changed their rules. I think their new rules is not as good and easy like it was. I don't like it LOL. I find it hassle and lots of work. But, it's ok at least I able to grab one. Ok untill till next time goodnight and come by as often mwah!
Posted by Nora P. at 9:15 PM 0 comments
Great new canada travel
Attention for those planning to travel to canada. I found a website where you can buy a cheap tickets and some other things. This website is full of useful information, the www.dialaflight.com website is the right place to find the holiday of your dreams. Dialaflight is a leading independent UK travel company offering flights, hotels & travel ideas worldwide. To book with DialAFlight you need to call and speak with one of their UK travel consultants who will ensure that your requirements are fulfilled. By speaking on the phone with them you can be sure that your tailor-made holiday is pretty and exactly as you want it. This Flights to Canada is great and affordable. They also offer some flights to many places like Vancouver Flights, Toronto Flights,Quebec Flights, Banff, Calgary, Niagara, and whistler. So, if you guys would like to travel one of these places here you might take a look at their website here to check what is their best for you and make a schedule for your flights.
Posted by Nora P. at 2:08 PM 1 comments
Its been raining here
When I woke up this morning. I saw the ground was so wet and muddy. It has been raining here last night. I am not sure exactly when the rains came because I was sleeping and I couldn't even hear any noise when it was raining last night. Just, when I woke up this morning I saw it was raining here because the ground was so wet and muddy. Well, since it's wet and muddy outside. All I need to do is just stay inside the house, be lazy, playing on the computer, watch Sarah and do my home work. I did a lot of laundry last night so I have not much to do today. I have some time to do anything I want too. How are you guys doing? Hope everything is fine with you..
Posted by Nora P. at 10:46 AM 2 comments
Monday, August 13, 2007
Business cards scanner
I found a very good idea to handle complicated process on business information and papers. One can now just scan their business card and be able to store all the information all in one place. Like this business cards scanner I recently discover online to be so effective for all the people interested to use them. It is a business card reader, so a new contact would be recorded and created in microsoft outlook. It will certainly enable someone to save time and money having to process their information all the time. So, now, that is a new way to get around. Now, if you want further information about such products, all you need to do is visit the website where you can find them available. Yes, just click on the linked I have provided here, and save yourself some money and time as well as the hassle of those complicated information processesing.
Posted by Nora P. at 2:42 PM 1 comments
I woke up late
I woke up late this morning because, ohhh I was so very tired last night. It was my fault I played a lot on the computer. I put some stuff in my blog like animations and other things. I want my blog to be full but I don't know what else I need to put in lol. I'm trying to make my blog to look nice but I think it's getting more ugly instead yaks. Have a safe monday
Posted by Nora P. at 2:30 PM 0 comments
We need the bathroom scale
My husband and I are weight consious, and you know, I found a website where we can get a bathroom scale. We need one bad, especially now that I am pregnant, I like to keep track of how much I weight each month. So, I will look in to it, and see what we can get. They are reasonable enough, so we can certainly afford one. These weighing scales are great for those people watching their weight, trying to lose weight or trying to gain weight. But more likey, trying to lose weight as the majority of people I see around where we live are just over weight. They need to keep track of their weight, and be healthy.
Posted by Nora P. at 2:18 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Looking for good cheap car insurance?
Finding an inexpensive insurance policy for a new sports car can be a real challenge. Sports cars are known for speed and are typically associated with aggressive driving, an increased likelihood of a collision, and a bit of recklessness. However, http://www.advantageautoquotes.com/ sporty cars certainly have a wide appeal and can be driven safely, by responsible drivers. Sports car motorists operating new or pre-owned vehicles will want to sign up for a comprehensive coverage policy that covers the following losses. They realize that most classic car owners typically maintain their automobiles in a secure garage and drive them only short distances to car shows and other special events. As such, the most common and least expensive auto insurance policies for classic cars require that the vehicle not accumulate too many miles. Get a low rate car insurance quote from one of our agents. They provide the best http://www.advantageautoquotes.com/ competitive affordable auto rates for your car, suv or commercial van across the united states from all major agencies. Lower your costs and get the cheapest auto insurance available anywhere online.
When agents compete you win with Advantage Auto Quotes! If you put less than 20% down payment on the purchase of a new car, you should consider adding http://www.advantageautoquotes.com/ gap insurance to your automotive policy. GAP coverage is designed especially for new car purchases. New car owners should be aware that buying a new car and driving it off the dealership lot automatically depreciates its value - sometimes by thousands.
Posted by Nora P. at 8:29 PM 0 comments
Sarah's new toys & clothes
This is Sarah's Piano toy. It is fun musical piano. She haven't play this yet. But, I'm sure she will enjoy playing them. They are nice and fun toys to play. Wish I could have such pretty toys when I was a kid . LOL
This is Sarah's toy like a cellphone. Its called key ring. It has four buttons that she can click and make different sounds. Also, it will light up when she click the buttons. I am glad I bought it because she seems to like it. She never show interest to play with my cellphone anymore after I bought it for her to play.
These are Sarah's new clothes we bought yesterday. Three night gowns and one summer outfit. Ok guys, hope you'll enjoy looking at the pictures I shared with you. Have a great sunday!
Posted by Nora P. at 10:38 AM 2 comments
Need Blog Links to Software Company Website
When we got our traditional home loan we were hit with thousands of dollars in closing costs but at the time it seemed we had no other options so we just paid it. Now we have learmed of the electronic mortgage and we are so glad because when we refinance to do our next remodeling project it will be great to use this service and save a lot of money that way.
Posted by Nora P. at 9:58 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 11, 2007
We bought Sarah new clothes & toys
We went shopping this morning. We shopped for groceries, clothes for Sarah and toys. My husband bought her some new clothes and I bought her two new toys because she likes to play with my cellphone. She likes clicking-clicking on it, see the light when she click the buttons and listen to the sounds. She clicked anything on my cellphone and one time she was about to call somebody lol. Luckily, I grabbed my cellphone away from her at once and canceled the call. Oh boy, it makes me to have headache sometimes when she is so aggressive about playing anything and cry if I don't give it to her. Plus, I hate it when she's bothering me while I'm trying to do something on the computer. Then she wants to be held and go somewhere. Like go outside the house and take a walk or either watch the dog of my sister in law. She's so easy to become board just like me when I was pregnant with her. I was always board nothing more to do except house chores. I wasn't busy or crazy about computer, But, now hmmm no one can stop me from being online. I'm now computer addicted hehehe. I hope being online and facing on the computer everyday and almost every night won't affect to our baby. I am afraid if the radiation can harm the baby because I'm always on the computer nonstop. Since, I'm doing this PPP and trying to update my blog as often as I can. I would not want to leave or stay away from the computer. In fact, no day, no time I will not be online. Anyway, it is enough for now. Goodnight guys!
Posted by Nora P. at 9:53 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 10, 2007
Looking for business and restaurant loans?
Heres the the website I just found business loans and restaurant loans offered Advance Restaurant Finance. For small to medium-sized merchants. Also, since the working capital you will receive is a loan, the interest you pay is tax deductible, further lowering the net effective rate you are paying for your funds. A-R-F specializes in loans for restaurants and retailers. If you would like more information about small business loans in particular, please read the information found at www.advancerestaurantfinance.com/small-business-loans.html. It is really good business and restaurant loans. So, perhaps you guys would be interested about business loans and restaurant loans, you might take a look at their website here and try.
Posted by Nora P. at 2:27 PM 4 comments
What does my hands say about me
Thanks to Emmyrose for tagging me. I had fun answering the quiz. It very much says some things about me. I have long fingers, average palm, and long fingernails. They grow so fast especially during pregnancy, and since I am pregnant they are long. My finger nails looks like they are long anyway...LOL. Also, I am left handed, my sister Ana did not even know about me being left handed, she had to ask. She was surprised to find out that I am. Maybe she forgot because she has trouble remembering you know, sometimes-that is.
What Your Hands Say About You |
![]() You are artistic, intuitive, and inspired. You have good people skills. Idealistic and dreamy, you tend toward the impractical. You have a knack for getting yourself in sticky situations. Consistent and reliable, you like to count on structure and routine in your life. Your emotions tend to be well though out. You're willing to wait out a bad situation, and you're never too quick to act. |
I'm tagging Sis. Ana, Caryl, Grace, Rich, Jhajelle, and gracie.
Posted by Nora P. at 12:24 PM 34 comments
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Great rates and discounts on hotels in London
Attention to those planning to travel to London, I found a website where you can find some great deals on travel packages as well as accommodations. Perhaps, you want to explore London and enjoy all the tourist spots, well, here, check out the Hotels in London, you can find a nice accommodation there to accommodate you, your companion, or your whole family.
If you are heading towards the other part of England like to Manchester, you will certainly find that hotel that can accommodate you as well. Maybe you want to take a tour in the city and see the historical monuments and other tourist attractions. Yes, you can always find accommodation just right around the corner. So, see about these Hotels in Manchester in case you need a place to stay there.
There are however, many more places to see, and well, if you are thinking of heading to Birmingham. You can stop by the vulcan park and the McWane center where you will find some hands on science museum. Now, doesn't that sound exciting? But if you are traveling for the purpose of attending a business conference. There are places where you can be accommodated such as at the Hotels in Birmingham. There, you can have a good deal with big discounts on their hotel prices.
Posted by Nora P. at 10:39 PM 0 comments
I love water melon
My father in law harvested some of his water melon from our garden. Oh my, they are big,good, and sweet water melons. He cut one water melon this morning and he gave me the half. I just ate some and oh yeah that was delicious hmmm. I love water melon so much especially if it is good and sweet oh yummy. Are you guys like water melon too? Hope we are neighbors so that I can give you hehehe. Thanks for coming guys. Glad to see you here in my place
Posted by Nora P. at 3:56 PM 1 comments
Psoriasis treatment at the Blue Lagoon, Iceland
Do you know about psoriasis treatment at blue lagoon,iceland? The Blue Lagoon - Clinic in Iceland offers natural geothermal treatment of psoriasis. The Blue Lagoon psoriasis treatment is a unique natural treatment based on bathing in Blue Lagoon geothermal seawater while its unique active ingredients: minerals, silica. Unspoiled natural environment, fresh air and pure Icelandic water are important parts of the treatment. Blue Lagoon silica holds an important role in the psoriasis treatment. It deep-cleanses the skin, exfoliates, stimulates blood circulation, and adds to general well being. After bathing guests shower, dry the skin and apply Blue Lagoon skincare products, based on a unique blend of minerals. The first sign of healing is the disappearance of scales on the skin. This normally occurs within one week of treatment. The treatment process normally takes 21-28 days.
Posted by Nora P. at 10:47 AM 0 comments