At last the google made my page rank zero LOL. I know some of the bloggers lost their page rank too just like me I lost my pr 4. It seems like the PPP gave us a break hehehe. Oh well it's ok for me that way I won't be too busy doing PPP everyday because if there's a lot of opps available i can't stop from grabbing them, and it's making me more busy everyday. Besides, I'm already busy taking care with my two kids so i think having pr 0 is not that bad. I mean i would be happy if they didn't take my page rank but how could that happen because at last they took all my pr and gave me 0 LOL. It's ok though im not angry, sad or anything im just fine. Anyway, it's friday and i'm happy because tomorrow we are going to visit the house for sell and we will go shopping after and maybe go eat. How about you guys what are your plans for tomorrow? Whatever you plans are I'd say take care and enjoy your weekend.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Looking for holiday gift?
Looking for holiday gift like binoculars, telescopes, sunglasses and more. The has the huge selection of the finest quality brand name binoculars, telescopes, sunglasses, goggles, prescription goggles, rifle scopes, range finders, spotting scopes, flashlights, microscopes, Leupold, Trijicon, Bushnell, and many others brands. And if you're looking for a great deal on binoculars for a birdwatcher? They’ve got you covered with the finest binoculars by Bushnell, Nikon, Canon, Swarovski! No where else will you find such great deals on ATN night vision, Bushnell digital binoculars, radar guns, Streamlight, Surefire, or Pelican flashlights, or indestructible Pelican waterproof cases. Anyway, they're the Internet retail leader in optics & much more all of their products are 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, and they offer free ground shipping on all orders of $29.95 or more! Tens of thousands of items, 200 quality brand names to choose from. Gifts ranging from telescopes to microscopes, flashlights, you’re guaranteed to find something for everyone on your gift list at!
Posted by Nora P. at 10:00 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Lakbayan Visited Map
My Lakbayan grade is F!
How much of the Philippines have you visited? Find out at Lakbayan!
Created by Eugene Villar.My it's almost white color LOL. I know exactly why because I haven't been to many places in Philippines but just very few places. From Kalumboyan where I lived before maybe only four places I visited. Bayawan, Dumaguete city, Cebu city and Manila city when I had my interview to come over here. That was my first time to come to Manila and see the manila beauty LOL. It's too crowded there ha ha ha. But I love Philippines...Philippines is the land of my birth and I miss it. Anyway, thanks a lot for this tag Cel. I really love it. Glad to see our Philippines map it's so pretty.
To my all kababayan na Filipina or Filipino feel free to grab it if you want!!!
Posted by Nora P. at 12:04 PM 5 comments
Looking for Christmas cards?
Christmas is coming and if you're looking for "Christmas cards"
? VistaPrint has hundred of Christmas cards and holiday cards to choose from. They also offers holiday card and Christmas card printing in quantities as low as 10 for folded christmas cards or flat holiday cards. Anyway, you can Customize your christmas cards with text and upload your logo or graphics. VistaPrint also offers over 70,000 free stock images to help you create your custom holiday cards, or custom Christmas cards. If you already have your christmas cards designed, you can simply upload your file for them to print! Also they offer collage cards and products like Business Cards, Business Identity, Holiday Cards & Calendars
Cards, and Notes & Stationery. So if you're looking for Christmas cards, business cards, holiday cards or calendars cards vistaprint has it all with best printing and best prices.
Posted by Nora P. at 11:23 AM 0 comments
Candles fountain
This is my candles fountain my husband bought it for me before. I love it it's pretty and it just look like a real fountain LOL. It has no water flowing right now because the one gallon distilled water we bought is gone. I already used it all and we need to buy some more to make my candles fountain to be alive again hehehe. Now it looks so dead because it has no water flowing in it. But as soon as I can buy distilled water my candles fountain is gonna be alive again and happy. Hahaha strange ha?
Posted by Nora P. at 10:42 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Grandfather clocks
Lat year I was wishing to have a grandfather clock but I could never have one because I couldn't find it from the stores. But now I just stumbled in one website that sells grandfather clocks. I am so happy perhaps it's now the right time that I can buy one. If I could I'd like to put it on the wall in our bedroom. We have a small clock in our bedroom but I like to have a big clock so that it's easy to check the time and this grandfather clock is so great just perfect for our bedroom. I love the look and the style of their grandfather clock. They have many different kinds of grandfather clocks like Howard Miller Grandfather Clocks, Hermle Grandfather Clocks, Kieninger Premium Grandfather Clocks, Ridgeway Grandfather Clock Collection, Bulova Grandfather Clock Collection, Contemporary Grandfather Clocks, Limited Edition Grandfather Clocks, Our Favorite Grandfather Clocks, Traditional Grandfather Clocks, Triple Chime Grandfather Clocks, and more. See how big choices they got! Grandfather clocks has a big discounts and everyday lowest Price Guaranteed 0% financing Option for 1 year on any new clock purchase over $500!free USA shipping and free USA in-home set up of grandfather clocks. No sales tax outside New York! If you are in New York, make sure to visit or call their Grand Central Terminal Store! When you're looking for discount grandfather clocks, has the selection you need at the best prices guaranteed. See their , and http:// page to see why they are the best place to Shop 24x7, with their everyday discounts and low price guarantee. Anyway, this Grandfather Clocks Make a Great Christmas or New Years Gift so for those who are planning to buy Christmas or New Years gift try their website here. I'm sure you can find the best gift you're looking for in their website.
Posted by Nora P. at 10:27 PM 0 comments
Another slide show of Sarah & Aaron
These are the same pictures of Sarah and Aaron on the first slide show I made. I just wanted to share it with you again by another slide show I just found today LOL. Anyway, nothing much to say here....But before I end up my messages here I'd like to say good night everyone!!!
Posted by Nora P. at 8:37 PM 1 comments
Hiking boots
Looking for a great gift to buy this Christmas? I'd say hiking boots can make a great gift to anybody because even me I like hiking boots especially we live on the farm. It's nice to have a hiking boots to use for hike. Anyway, have a wide variety of Hiking Boots from very well known companies such as Carolina, Converse, Danner, Dr. Martens, Nautilus, Rocky, Terra, Thorogood, and Wolverine. They have so many different kinds of boots like Dress Boots, Electrical Hazard Boots, Heat Resisting Boots, Hiking boots, Hunting & Outdoor boots, Insulated Boots,
Lineman Boots, Logger Boots, Metatarsal Boots, Motorcycle Boots, Safety Toe Boots & Shoes, Slip Resisting Boots & Shoes, Waterproof Boots, Western Boots, and Women's Work Boots. And if you shop boots or shoes to their website it's free shipping on items over $100. So come to their website now and start shopping for your love ones, family, relatives or friends.
Posted by Nora P. at 5:05 PM 1 comments
Today is tuesday and glad I have an easy day today, I can relax and watch TV with my kids. But my it is so cold here we already turned on the heater and we have wood stove here going on but it still cold. Heater and wood stove are not enough to warm up our whole house. Gosh, I hate cold weather and this house seems always cold whatever we do to warm it up LOL. That's why we're planning to move, find a better house than this. This house is not too bad but it needs so much remodel and I don't know if my husband and my father in law can finish remodeling it because my husband is always busy at work and my father in law is 84 years old now. And you know how slow the old people to work hehe. I mean he still working a lot but not as fast as young people do. Oh well we just need to wait until they can finish remodeling our house then maybe sell it, and buy new house or buy some land and build a house.
Posted by Nora P. at 2:22 PM 0 comments
Blogger cards
Want to promote your blog in the real world? Ooprint's blogger cards feature a customizable tag cloud to focus on your blog topics and interests. These cards are a great way to attract new readers and network with other bloggers. The unique tag cloud can be personalized to focus on key words that are important to you and your blog. Anyway, if you guys are interested of blogger cards the offers 100 blogger cards for FREE you pay only shipping fees. Also they have 100 FREE business cards if you need one for some reason. Anyway, if you want to take a look at their full Ooprint product catalogue is available at You can also read more about Ooprint on their blog
Posted by Nora P. at 10:15 AM 0 comments
Sarah & Aaron's new pictures
Hello guys, I able to download some pictures of Sarah and Aaron yesterday. And here they are. They're getting big, gwapo and gwapa hehehe. Sarah is now 17 months and 7 days and Aaron is 2 months and 8 days. Time flies so fast isn't it? Anyway, our next doctor appointment this will be on first week of January. After new year probably. Ops I almost forget I also have doctor's appoinment this coming Jan maybe at the same day and date with Sarah and Aaron's doctor's appointment. Ok guys, till next time hope you enjoy watching the pictures.
Posted by Nora P. at 9:51 AM 1 comments
Monday, November 26, 2007
Hello guys, I wanted to tell you about this cool have a huge assortment of hockey equipment and apparel closeouts and and all in the lowest prices. They only sell closeouts from brand name manufacturers such as Nike Bauer, RBK, CCM, Mission, Itech, Louisville, TPS, and more! They sell hockey equipment such as sticks, skates, apparel, goalie equipment and much more! They have so many choices of their Nike Bauer, Mission Wicked, Louisville TPS C12C Adrenaline Control, and they have so many beautiful jackets called Bauer Arena Junior Jacket, Bauer Arena Senior Jacket, also Bauer Arena Junior Pantsthat suit color with their jackets. They also have Hockey Sweatshirt - All Stars 2004, Hockey Sweatshirt - Chicago, Hockey Sweatshirt - Columbus Blue, and some Jacket - Anaheim Ducks, Jacket - Colorado Avalanche, Jersey- Boston Bruins, Jersey - Columbus Blue Jackets, Jersey - Dallas Stars, Jersey - Edmonton Oilers, Jersey - Florida Panthers and more. They have a big selection of all their stuff, different colors and prices. So if your're planning to buy those kind of stuff try their website here. I think this is the best website for you to shop because they're all in lowest prices and everything on their website is 50 to 80% off retail prices. So what a good deal is that? Anyway, the visitors to the website using the promotional code: ppp001107, will receive 5% off.
Posted by Nora P. at 5:40 PM 0 comments
Just got done cleaning the house
Thankfully, I finally got done cleaning our house. Without my kids bothering me. They were both sleeping and just the right time after I got done cleaning and eating lunch they woke up. Glad they let me do what I wanted to do before they woke up. Now, I'm finishing the laundry and hopefully I can get it done soon. So that I can give Sarah bath before the night comes and cook something for our dinner. Aaron went back to sleep and Sarah's playing. So bye for now guys. I want to finish what I'm doing here while I have time and Aaron is sleeping. Anyway, how's your day? Hope you all have a good day! Take care and thanks for coming!!!
Posted by Nora P. at 2:11 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Sports Web Site
Oddsbreackers is a next generation web 2.0 Social Network for sports enthusiasts. Members can post, share, buy, and sell sports picks for NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, NCAAB, and NCAAF as well as win monthly and seasonal cash and prizes.
Member features include the ability to post picks, set a target price for the pick and then share in the revenue generated by that pick. Users are tracked on their win/loss percentage and win cash and prizes based on their rankings. provides users with easy to use handicapping tools on all 6 major sports and allow users to interact with each other and share sports information in a group environment. You can do "sports picks", "handicappers", "football picks", "basketball picks" , and "handicapping". Just check out there web site if you like sports at and start having fun with all your friends. Like lots of men my husband loves sports and he love football most of all so I am going to tell him about this web page so he can check it out and start having fun with his friends in line. So if you like sports or like my husband maybe you know someone who does then just try this site or tell someone else to check it out.
Posted by Nora P. at 8:06 PM 0 comments
Another poem they sent to me
Hello guys, here's another poem I'd like to share with you. Hope you'll enjoy it...
It is important to remember that our many blessings are from
our Heavenly Father. Therefore we should count our blessings
and thank Him for them daily: ALWAYS GIVING THANKS TO
I've never made a fortune
And its probably to late now,
But I don't worry about that much
I'm happy anyhow.
And as I go along life's way
I'm reaping better than I sow.
I'm drinking from my saucer
'Cause my cup has overflowed!
Haven't got a lot of riches
And sometimes the going's tough,
But I've got loving ones around me
And that makes me rich enough.
I thank God for His blessings
And the mercies He's bestowed.
I'm drinking from my saucer
'Cause my cup has overflowed!
Oh, I remember times when things went wrong
And my faith wore somewhat thin.
But all at once the dark clouds broke
And sun peeped through again.
So Lord, help me not to gripe
About the tough rows that I've hoed.
I'm drinking from my saucer
"Cause my cup has overflowed!
If God gives me strength and courage
When the way grows steep and rough,
I'll not ask for other blessings
I'm already blessed enough.
And may I never be too busy
To help others bear their loads,
Them I'll keep drinking from my saucer
'Cause my cup has overflowed!
GIFT. For through Him all blessings flow indeed. Amen!
( 2 Corinthians 9:15 )
Posted by Nora P. at 7:17 PM 0 comments
Planning to have high speed
Our computer connection is dial up and it's really slow. We hate it and we're looking for high speed like DSL or cable internet connection. That way I won't have any trouble downloading our pictures, checking my e-mail and some other things. When we have high speed connection. Oh! I'll be glad if we can get one soon. Anyway, I am glad I found this website that provides information on internet service providers, including DSL, cable, dial up, wireless and satellite. It also has information on VOIP phone services. There are helpful articles too with tips on how to find an internet service provider, and how to cancel an account with an ISP. There are also articles on how to speed up your computer, protect yourself from spam and viruses, and how to secure a wireless network. There is also a brief history of the Internet. Wow! it's wonderful we really need some information about how to speed up our computer, protect ourselves and computer from spam and viruses. We have so many things or questions in our mind that needs to be answer and I'm very glad I found this website that seems can answer all our questions. And for those who are looking for computer connection too like DSL Service Providers, or Cable Internet. Visit their website here and try their services. We'll let see if dial up, DSL, satellite, wireless or cable Internet service is best for you.
Posted by Nora P. at 5:43 PM 0 comments
Busy cleaning the house
Today is our cleaning day because last few days ago we've been roaming around a lot. We've been shopping and we've been visiting a lot of land and house's to buy. We're planning to move and we're planning to buy a house or either some land and build. If we can find a good deal on a house we might buy a house but if not we might buy just land and build a house. My husband and my father in law know about how to build a house so it's good. But it doesn't mean only my father in law and my husband will build our house if we decide to buy land and build a house. Of course we'll hire some other people to help us to make the work fast and easy. Anyway, I am glad my husband did some of the cleaning today that way I won't have much of cleaning to do tomorrow. I am so thankful to him because he's so helpful to me. In fact I can hardly have time to clean our house now. Glad he's helping me everytime he has day off from work. Ok guys, this is it for now. Thanks for coming and have nice sunday!
Posted by Nora P. at 4:30 PM 0 comments
St. Augustine Artwalk
If you guys are interested of arts and culture and just plain everyday fun? You can visit the St. Augustine Artwalk because this city is so amazing its located in St. Augustine, Florida and they have an event on Friday and Saturday on December 7 and 8 along with the first weekend of each month there after. I really like the historical attractions because of the Spanish styles, also the Ripley’s Believe It or Not Museum and specially I like the St. Augustine alligator farm. If you are looking for a fanatics city during the Christmas season it maybe a good idea to spend it in Florida. There are so many different attractions and activities that you will enjoy during your stay, Its too hard to mention it all. By the way did I mention the free rides on the trolleys and buses? Also they have many golf courses, if you like to play golf and many museums to look at all the beautiful artwork that they have to offer. So visit the website now to see how many different things there are to do. Anyway, their ‘First Friday Weekend Art Walk’ is from 5 to 9pm, location: Tours begin at Rembrandtz Fine Gifts for Fun People and it's free admission.
Posted by Nora P. at 12:35 PM 0 comments
*Sexy Blogger Award*
I received award from my sweet good friend Marie. Thank you very much Mar for this sexy award. I didn't know I'm a sexy blooger till I received this LOL. Anyway, I am so glad I met you online and became my friend. Your such a nice friend and I'm lucky to have a friend like you.
Now, I'd like to pass this award to my Sis. Ana, Marik, and Nice . Take it girls ok?
Posted by Nora P. at 10:51 AM 1 comments
Friday, November 23, 2007
Payday Loans
I found a web site where if your looking for a short term loan they can help you. A payday loan or cash advance is a quick and easy way to bridge your cash needs between pay days without a credit check. It is a small short-term loan that can range from $100 up to $1,500. The money can be electronically deposited and repaid from your checking account on mutually agreed upon dates looking for a short term loan they can help you. So if you are in need of a short term loan why don't you take a look at this web page Faxless Payday Loans and maybe they can help you get the money you need.
Posted by Nora P. at 9:28 PM 2 comments
Thanks guys
I would like to thank Patty for sending me a cookies for my birthday and also Sis.Ana for sending me a birthday card. Thanks a lot guys I appreciate it so much. Anyway, how was your Thanksgiving? Ours went well as well and today I have been shopping with my sister in law because it's black friday and a lot of stores have big sales. Well, I really enjoyed shopping and I bought some christmas gifts for my sister in law and for her kids. I also bought two t-shirts for my husband, clothes and a winter coat for Aaron, toys for Sarah and balloons to play. Nothing for me I didn't buy any for me because I don't like to over spend. Besides that I have some clothes already and if I wanna buy something for me maybe next time. Anyway, I am so tired and sleepy today because I woke up at 3:00am in the morning and at 6:00am I went shopping with my sister in law LOL. I brought Aaron with me and glad he was very good, quite and peaceful. He didn't bother me until I'm done shopping. Thanks to him I did all my shopping without him crying and thanks for my husband too who gave me budget to shop LOL. In fact, I had my own money too I used to shop hehe. Ok guys, till next time good night!!!
Posted by Nora P. at 9:25 PM 2 comments
Cool High Tech Site
Hello everybody, I wanted to tell you about this web site I found that has a lot of cool high tech bargains . They have lots of deals like Intel Core 2 Quad 4-core Q6600 CPU & ECS 671TM Motherboard $198, 9" Picture Frame $47, Jabra BT2040 Bluetooth Headset $5.99, Canon S5 IS 12x optical Digital Camera $349, Panasonic 1080p Plasma TVs - 42" $1099 - 50" $1999, Sony DVD-VHS Combo Player $47, Compaq Celeron Notebook $298.99, PQI 8GB Flash Drive $29.99AR, 22" Widescreen LCD Monitor $139.99AR. Belkin USB 2.0 mini Hub Free AR, Belkin Nostromo N52 $9.99AR, Tomtom One $117.99, Seagate 750GB Ext USB/eSATA $174.99, Samsung 22" LCD Monitor $249.99AR, Canon Pixma MP610 Printer $139.99, A-Data 16GB Flash Drive $89.99AR, Samsung 50" Plasma HDTV $897, Buffalo DriveStation 500GB USB HD $79.99, Maxtor 300GB Internal PATA or SATA Hard Drive $49.99ea, Panasonic 5.8GHz 4-handset Cordless Phone/Answerer $79.99. Computer Peripherals. Hanns-G 21.6" Widescreen LCD Monitor 1680x1050, 1000:1, 5ms, HDMI$149.99AR.Logitech QuickCam Orbit MP 1.3MP Webcam $19.99AR HP D7360 Photosmart Printer with LCD, 32ppm/31ppm $59.98AR Canon CP740 portable photo printer $49.98AR Logitech VX Revolution Cordless Laser Notebook Mouse $24.98AR
HP 50-Pack DVD+R Disc Media $9.98. There is so much more like these that I can't list them all here on my blog but if you want to see them all and read about all the great bargains then just go to there web site. Also try Best Buy Black Friday Deals.
Posted by Nora P. at 8:20 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Some beautiful things to see and do
You know I love travel and someday when I have time and lots of money. I would like to go to Ireland to see all the things they got there like the Guinness Storehouse, Trinity College, to see the old Library and the Book of Kells. Kilmainham Gaol to see the europe's largest disused and Ireland's most famous prison. Dublin Castle to see the Old Walls of Dublin, State Apartments, the treasury, and theTemple Bar Dublin's Cultural Quarter.
Anyway, when you book dublin hotels and cardiff hotels you can save up to 75% on London Hotels. Pay at check-in. No booking fees. And things to see and do there are Cardiff castle, Millennium Stadium, Llandaff. They also have newcastle hotels that offers some great rates and affordable prices. If you would like to see and do things there they have Bridges St James Park, Bessie Surtees’ House, The Castle, The Angel of the North, The Quayside, St Nicholas’s Cathedral, Hadrian’s Wall, Whitley Bay, and Belsay Hall and Gardens. Then about the leeds hotels they have some nice hotels with low prices too that anyone can afford to stay in their hotels. They also have some beautiful things to see and do like Henry Moore Institute, Elland Road, Royal Armouries Museum, Temple Newsam, and Thackray Medical Museum. Glad to know all about Ireland attractions, things to see and as well things to do. Now that I know all about them I'm so very excited to go there and see them alI. And for those who are planning to travel there and want to book a hotel don't forget to check their websites here where you can save money by booking their nice inexpensive hotels.
Posted by Nora P. at 12:37 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Mac Poker online
For those who are interested of playing Mac Poker online? I found a nice website where you can play. Exclusive mac poker online poker bunoses! Mac Poker Online has teamed up in association with Full Tilt Poker and Bugsys Club to offer their readers exclusive poker bonuses. You can get a bonus of 100% up to $600 at Full Tilt Poker. US players accepted. Get a bonus of 100% up to $600 at Bugsys Club.
I know it's hard enough looking for a site to play online poker for Mac, yet alone trying to find one that you can trust and has a reputation. For your convenience, They've organized a list of what they feel are the best online poker sites to play poker for Mac. You can play for free or for real at all of these, and each has established an excellent reputation.The first place that you should consider going is Fulltilt is still accepting US poker players and they have a downloadable Mac poker client. On top of that, FullTilt Poker has been around for a very long time and you'll get a 100% up to $600 deposit bonus when you sign up. You can read their full review of Full Tilt Poker by clicking the link.
If you're not interested in Full Tilt Poker, or just want another place to play, then I suggest you head over to Bugsys Club also gives a generous poker bonus of 100% up to $600 and their Mac poker software is a downloadable .dmg file too. You can read more about them by reading their Bugsys Club review. An update has been made to the latest version of the Pokerstars Mac poker software. This time, it appears as if the software has been given some major cosmetic upgrades. The new software looks nearly identical to what a PC user would typically see. A screen shot that they've taken from their BETA testing of the new software. All in all the Pokerstars has decided to perfect their Mac poker software before releasing it to the public. This should attract new players to Pokerstars and keep them there.
Posted by Nora P. at 11:15 PM 4 comments
Tomorrow is a turkey day!
Everyone, anyway what are your plans for tomorrow? Ours just like the other year we're going to eat at the restaurant. But this year my father in law is not gonna be with us because he is going to Decatur with Sarah. We're all invited to join the thanks giving party at the house of my husband's cousin. But, we have decided not to go there and just go to the restaurant instead. That way we can come back home anytime we want or maybe go shopping after we go eat. It's depends if my husband is not too tired from work because if you ask me. I always like to go shopping especially I'm not pregnant now. I'm not that easy to become tired not like when I was pregnant oh I became tired so easy, and I didn't like to shop for a long time. But now even whole day I could he he. OK till next time guys. Enjoy your thanks giving.
Posted by Nora P. at 7:11 PM 0 comments
Holiday survival guide
For those who don't like to gain weight this coming holiday for eating too much. I found a website where you can get some tips on how to combat emotional over eating and avoid gaining weight this holiday. I know everybody likes to enjoy holiday and as well eat some nice food. Most people gain weight and becomes fat by eating too much without doing any exercise. But, anyway for those who are interested of getting tips on how to combat emotional over eating and avoid holiday weight gain. I would recommend this Holiday Survival Guide . The Holiday Survival Guide is available for free at So feel free to check this out. I would guarantee their tips or guide on how to combat emotional eating and gaining weight will work for you.
Posted by Nora P. at 4:44 PM 0 comments
I got a friend in you
My friend Kitty gave me this qoutes I got a friend in you. Thanks kitty. Thanks for thinking and remembering me. Now I'd like to pass this quotes to Marie, Recel, and Sis.Ana.
Posted by Nora P. at 4:03 PM 1 comments
Galco holster
I found a website that needs to drive traffic to their police gear website via links. So, if you guys would like to link with them. It would be a great help for them to drive traffic to their website. Anyway, they also sell pants and some other stuff on their website. And they have over 20,000 pairs of pants in stock! Free shipping on all orders over $50,00. Their hot items are 5.11 tactical holster, 5.11 tactical vtac nylon double mag with bungee. So if you need this kinds of stuff please also check this galco holster.
Posted by Nora P. at 2:59 PM 0 comments
My birthday was yesterday
Hello everyone, sorry for not updating my blog for a few days because our computer have not been working very well. My husband took our computer to the internet place and have it fix. Thankfully it didn't take a long time for them fixing it. We got it back yesterday night. But yesterday was my birthday and we went out to shop and eat dinner at Chinese Restaurant. Anyway, I had lot's of fun, gifts and most of all love from my family, kids, sister Ana and of course from my husband Roger. My husband bought me a rice cooker, dinner and a nice cake on my birthday. My father in law gave me a $100 together with the birthday card. Well, I thanked them very much for their being good, and thoughtful to me. Most of all I thanked God that I'm still a live on this age and for all the things and blessings he gave to me and my family. God is so good and perfect he made our life happy and complete. I thanked him so much for that. Anyway, these are the pictures we took on my birthday.
Posted by Nora P. at 2:08 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Camcorder battery replacement
As I told everyone in my blog I got a new camcorder this month and wow is it nice and I like it a lot. I have now found a web site to help anyone with finding a camcorder batteries replacement, video camera batteries and they also have a tool on there site to help you do that. I saw where they answer lots of questions that anyone might have about camcorder batteries and other questions.
I love my camcorder so much because now I can take videos of our children as they grow up and share them with our family, friends and even with everyone on my blog and the internet. Who knows maybe someone will see Sarah or Aaron's videos and think like us they're so pretty they should be in the movies. But mostly this is our way to keep our memories always to look back upon and remember as our children are growing up. I thought that maybe you would like to check out this cool web site when you have a need for a camcorder battery or video camera batteries.
Posted by Nora P. at 9:11 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 16, 2007
One good love
When I was single I was published on different websites. One of them called manila beauty. Manila beauty is a website for women who are single, or divorced that are looking for friends or maybe husband. My husband met me online, he found me in manila beauty website. Not at a website like this where both gays and lesbians can meet and find a date. Find other singles that shares your interest, meet those that likes what you like.
You can find many singles that will be glad to meet you, waiting to meet you that has a lot in common with you. I know how nice it is if we find someone that has the same interest like and dislike. Someone that we really care and love with all our heart. To all gays and lesbians that are looking for meaningful relationships and love? Visit this I'm sure you can find what you're looking for in this website. Good luck.
Posted by Nora P. at 10:27 PM 2 comments
Steel Master was founded in February 1982. Originating in the southeastern United States, steel master spent its early years developing designs and specifications that would satisfy the agricultural and residential markets such as hay and animal shelters as well as small shops and garages. Steel Master offers many opportunities to build a rewarding career, with training that will serve you for a lifetime. Their company policy of promoting from within, allows your success to depend solely on desire and ability. During their in-depth training program and throughout your career, Steel Master will provide you the environment, knowledge, support and the best product in the industry, to ensure your success.
I have visited their website and I saw they have built a very nice design of storage nasa, garage and workshop applications, roofing system hummer dealership, farm and agriculture, custom buildings, Rv recreation vehicle storage, steel master buildings, steel building garages, and carports, metal buildings and roofing syst. I would say they're the best and professional steel master of all because they did a wonderful job of building them. Anyway, they're selling some products like garages carports, workshops, agricultural, commercial industrial and more. Fore those who needs all that kind of stuff you should take a look at their website here at for more information and details.
Posted by Nora P. at 5:34 PM 0 comments
Educational gifts
Plasma disks and produce lighting effects by carefully combining a mixture of specialized gasses. These gasses control the color and effect of the electrical discharge of the plasma effect. By creating a special formulated mixture of argon, krypton, xenon, helium, neon and other inert gases, the effect of a plasma globe is created. This is then sealed typically in a solid clear glass globe. A high voltage and very high frequency power supply provides an energy field causing the gases to light up around the power source. This is very similar to the phenomena known as the northern lights or the aurora borealis that can be seen from earth. Commercially manufactured Plasma balls are made from a hand blown glass globe. This globe is then filled with a special mixture of inert gases that produce the color effect of plasma lightning when a high voltage electrical current is applied. At the center of a plasma globe there is an electrode that distributes the current and created ionization of the gas contained within the globe. The beams of current or ionized gasses form patterns that start out on the sides and move upwards. Plasma is considered to be a distinct state of matter (often referred to as the 4th state of matter), apart from gases, because of its unique properties. Be running your finger along the globe you are in essence altering the electrical field. The glass is a natural insulator that protects objects outside the glass orb, so they are safe to operate and very entertaining. Anyway, they created CoolStuffExpress to enable consumer access to the same quality products like Plasma Disks and Globes, space themed décor lighting, Giant Microbes, Aero grow AeroGarden hydroponics, educational gifts, science kits, gadgets, and Hourglasses.
Posted by Nora P. at 3:51 PM 0 comments
*Sarah and Aaron's previous pictures*
I found a new website where I can share our photos by slide show. Hmmmmmmm... I think I like this new website better than the other one because they have a few nice styles that you can use or customize for your slide show. Like this one it's night view or style. Anyway, I decided to share their pictures again because I haven't take any new pictures of them yet. Hope you will still enjoy watching the photos.
Posted by Nora P. at 1:55 PM 1 comments
Christmas Gifts for Children
Looking for a personalized gifts to give to your child this christmas? At Identity Direct they have a huge range of personalized gifts for your child as well as for the rest of the family! You can choose from over 500 products, with new ones being added regularly. And they have Disney gifts which make for fantastic and unique personalized children’s gifts. They have all their favourite Disney characters including Disney Princess, Cars, Winnie the Pooh, Toy Story and Finding Nemo.
Identity Direct has over 500 Personalized Gifts for Children including their most popular gift is their “My Special Christmas Adventure” personalized story book where a child is taken on a magical journey with Santa Claus. They also have many other personalized gifts for Christmas including Disney, Sesame for the young ones and lots of decorations for the whole family. So, for those who're looking for personalized gifts to give to their child or family? You better take a look at their website here.
Posted by Nora P. at 11:03 AM 0 comments
What Rose Represents Your Love?
I love flowers and rose is one of my favorite flowers especially if they have a good smell.Hmmmm I like to smell them. Anyway,this quiz is asking what rose represents your love? My love represented by a orange rose. I surprised it's orange rose because I love red, pink, or white rose. But anyway, this result is amazing I like it. I didn't know I tend to be overwhelmed and consumed by desire when I'm in love ahehe. I admit I develop fascinations with people easily but I would never come to them even if I like them or I'm in love with them. Yaks, I'm not that cheap or tuso nooh? hehe. My love is as hot as a flame my inita gud ana..Buti nalang wala napaso ako bana LOL.
Your Love is Represented by a Orange Rose |
![]() When you're in love, you tend to be overwhelmed and consumed by desire. You develop fascinations with people easily, and they're sometimes even borderline obsessions! You tend to come on strong. Your love is as hot as a flame. |
Posted by Nora P. at 10:34 AM 0 comments
IRS Tax Debt
Are you trying to catch up on your taxes? Are you looking for IRS relief or tax debt settlement? If you do here's the is dedicated to helping taxpayers improve their credit rating and get IRS Tax Debt relief by finding the easiest and fastest way to get out of tax debt. But, if you still have trouble you can go to IRS Tax Help. I'm sure they'll help you with all your problems to solve. So, don't hesitate to come and visit their website here to ask help or for more information.
Posted by Nora P. at 9:25 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Do you want to move on top of the search engines industry? can help you as it helped hundred of companies to be on top rank. The goal of customer magnetism is to offer ethical, effective and affordable search engine optimization which provides excellent results and customer service. It has to target sponsored listing which requires pay-per-click management, natural listings which depend upon search engine advertising services and link building services that propound for each. Customer Magnetism can accommodate request for free custom proposal designed specifically for your corporation, website needs and budget.
Online users gave testimonials on how they were influenced by the websites they have purchased. They find it as the better way to advertise when they compare cost to performance. A wide range of conventional marketing such as direct mail, print advertising, trade shows, etc. are the common forms of marketing. Search engine marketing exceeded other form of marketing combined. Search engine marketing furnish highly effective campaigns. It is the search engine advertising that can help increase your sales by improving the overall presence within the major search engines.
Visit their website at and moving on top among high caliber similarly corporations will be effortless. Imagine that over billions of internet users are all over the world. Customer Magnetism Proven search engine optimization services to improve your website ranking. Customer Magnetism is an internet marketing firm that generates top rankings.
Posted by Nora P. at 10:18 PM 0 comments
I have canon digital camera
Digital camera is a nice camera. In fact, I have one named digital canon camera it's power shot a520, canon zoom lens 4x, and it's 4.0 mega pixels. My husband gave me it to me on December 25th, 2006. It was one of his christmas gifts for me last year. My I am so happy and thankful to him for giving me this such pretty camera. Oh I love it so much because it's a nice kind of camera it's taking good pictures, then you can use zoom in or zoom out too when you take pictures and not only that the best thing is because you can erase the pictures you took if you don't like it. So how cool is that? Then after you erase the pictures you don't like you can take some more pictures again. It has no limit if how many pictures you need to take because it has no use of film. On digital camera you can take pictures as much as you want. It's unlimited camera of taking pictures all you need to do is change he batteries if it's old. That's all no need to change film or anything just the batteries. You know I can't think of any camera to buy because I already got the best digital canon camera. Which I love so much devotedly and don't want to change it hehe. Talking about camcorder I just bought one. it's a sony hard disk drive camcorder, 40x optical zoom, up to twenty hours recording, and 30 gb handy cam. It's a nice camcorder we like it. I know I already have a camera but I did buy camcorder because I want to make a movies on our kids and share it to my family in Philippines and to my sister in Michigan. Anyway, if there's anybody who would like to buy digital camera or Nikon D3 camera check out their website here. For more information and details.
Posted by Nora P. at 9:43 PM 0 comments
Nice poem about God
I visited my email this morning and I saw somebody sent me this nice poem about God. Well, I didn't react or say anything bad because I like this poem especially it's about God. I love everything about God. God is so good, powerful and wise.Imagine he made the whole world wonderfully and perfectly. No one could do that but God. Anyway, they sent me this poem because according to them I signed up for it but I don't remember I did. But, it's ok I love this poem and no problem as long as they won't charge me by sending this poem to me. Ok folks! that's all for now good night!
Autumn is Nature's masterpiece
When every tree's aglow;
Before the leaves have fallen
And the hills are white with snow.
The bounty of the harvest
Is a treasure to behold,
For the fruits of our labor
Are more valuable than gold.
There's a change in the weather
That fills the heart with cheer;
With the holidays approaching
In the twilight of the year.
There's a feeling of thanksgiving
That comes to one and all;
When we count our many blessings
As the leaves begin to fall.
Poet: Clay Harrison
Posted by Nora P. at 9:42 PM 0 comments
Sleep number of beds
This sleep number beds are adjustable and comfortable. The quiet, Digital Numeric Inflation System allows you to adjust the softness or firmness of the mattress with the simple push of a button. Mattresses are also available that allow you to adjust each side of the mattress separately. You can also adjust the overall firmness or softness of the mattress from 0-99 in order to find your ideal combination of comfort and support. This sleep number of beds are very cool, soft, comfortable and firm. Wow! I like this kind of bed wish I can buy one for myself and family, because our bed is not big enough for all of us. In fact, I wanted our both kids to sleep with us. But since our bed is not big enough for all of us. I put one of our kids in the other room. The one is sleeping with us which is the younger one. Anyway, I visited their website and they have sale! ends 11/19 save up $300 on already low prices. Plus no interest no payments for 12 months. Free bed set includes two fee pillows, two free pillow cases, free flat sheets, free fitted sheets. They also have different sizes of their beds like Twin Beds, Full Beds, Queen Beds, and King Beds. So if you need big, small, regular or king beds they have it all. You can choose and have whatever you want with low prices. Also, they're now featuring a digital numeric controls and dual zone comfort controls. To test if which one is the softer and firmer. And if you guys are interested of buying sleep number of beds visit their website here and compare them to select comfort . And if you want to order online it's very safe because they have thirty day risk free trial, fast free trial, industry's strongest warranty, and lowest price guaranteed.
Posted by Nora P. at 3:03 PM 0 comments
*Thank you my friend*
My sweet and lovely friend Marie gave me this wonderful quotes. Thanks a lot Marie I do appreciate it. Thanks for thinking and remembering me. Now I'd like to pass this to Sis. Ana and Recel.
Posted by Nora P. at 10:08 AM 0 comments
Mortgage refinancing provides you the opportunity to swap an older higher interest home loan with a new lower interest home loan secured by the same existing property. The process for refinancing is comparable to the one for getting your original mortgage loan. Can get loan in lump sum or line of credit. Generally, mortgage rates are higher than a home equity line of credit. A home equity loan is a fixed or adjustable rate loan secured by the equity in your home as collateral. If you’ve been paying your home loan mortgage for some time and have equity built up in your home, a home equity loan allows you to access that cash for personal use.
Posted by Nora P. at 8:55 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
It's wednesday!
Glad it's wednesday now yeaheyyy! I'm looking for the weekend to come soon because i wanna go shopping hehe. My husband is working two jobs and i can hardly go shopping now. Since we're always too busy and he's always at work. Just don't have much time to go shopping. But this coming weekend we have talked already that we'll go shopping.'s gonna be fun...i love shopping. Anyway, my husband called me this afternoon after his work that he gonna take the night off on his other job. Well, i am so happy to know that i always like him to stay home with us. Wish we have all the money we want so that he don't have to go to work LOL. Till next time guys good night!
Posted by Nora P. at 7:23 PM 0 comments
Great rates on hotels
Birmingham Hotels
I would like to go to England and explore the many places they have there including seeing the royal mansions and palaces, castles and all. There are so many tourist attractions there. Like they have so many exciting clubs to go to I heard. In fact, I met someone who lives in England telling me that England has plenty to offer. A lot of beautiful views and beautiful places to go. My I can't wait to go there and explore the whole United Kingdom.
As I know for people visiting the UK in London most activity occurs in the London area, which is one of the world’s greatest business centres and tourist destinations. And if you're in london and looking for hotel? The Hotels in London offers last minute and year round accommodation with free inclusions at prices often less than directly at the hotel , hostels or serviced apartments. I'm sure you can have a good deal by accommodating their hotels so check it out.
Also check this cheap Hotels in Manchester that also offers last minute and year round accommodation with free inclusions at prices often less than directly at the hotel , hostels or serviced apartments. Birmingham is the UK's second largest city situated between Manchester and London. It is home to nearly 1 million people in the area and is formerly the industrial hub of the country. Many conferences and events are now held in Birmingham with visiting delegates taking advantage of the excellent facilities and convention centres, as well as transport links from the central part of the country. And if you are going to birmingham for conference? They have Hotels in Birmingham that just like hotels in london, hotels in manchester that offers last minute and year round accommodation with free inclusions at prices often less than directly at the hotel , hostels or serviced apartments. They offers best deal and great rates on their hotels. So, if you're in United kingdom, London, Manchester, or Birmingham don't forget to check their hotels for your accommodation.
Posted by Nora P. at 1:42 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Save money by using their coupons
Wow! what a great opportunity about this Coupon website. Imagine you can save money by using their coupons like Dell coupons, Coupon codes when you shop online? When you use their site to shop there you can take advantages too because they will give you some discounts by using their websites or coupons. Anyway, their site is updated on a daily basis with offers from hundreds of merchants. Their site's layout is very simple so that users will be able to locate coupons quickly. So come on go use their website now or coupons to save money when shopping online.
Posted by Nora P. at 11:32 PM 0 comments
Good night guys and good morning for tomorrow hehe.....Anyway, about the results of our Doctors appointment on friday. It went well everything is good unless Sarah lost 2onz but the doctora said she's fine as long as she won't keep loosing weight. She also said that the babies eat a lot for the first time and they're getting picky after a while. And that's what Sarah she's getting picky now and I noticed that because every time I feed her she won't eat a lot but just a small amount. I always try to feed her some but she shakes her head and walk or run away from me lol. Sometimes I even chase her and feed her but if she doesn't wanna eat I can't force her. Also she's always very busy playing every day running, and walking around the house and maybe that's one of the reason too why she lost 2 onz. Anyway, nothing to worry about Sarah she's fine and also Aaron. Aaron gained 3 onz as well and that's good glad he gained weight because in fact I don't have much milk in my breast. Not like before when I was breast feeding with Sarah I had plenty of milk. In fact, I always pumped them before with my breast pump just to make them soft. Sarah couldn't empty my breast most of the time because they were always full of milk and it hurt if it's too full of milk. Too bad this time I don't have much milk in my breast for Aaron it's maybe because I don't drink milk a lot and no plenty of rest. My body is always tired and I'm always lack of sleep. But thankfully Aaron gained some weight because I use formula too for supplement. Sarah couldn't gain weight but hopefully she'll be fine. Hope she can gain some weight next time we go to the doctor this 1st week of January. Ok guys, till here na muna night-night!
Posted by Nora P. at 11:16 PM 0 comments
Looking for nice properties for rent?
Hello guys, the holidays are here, now if you are you going to take a vacation somewhere for fun. You should check out the site I found where you can save money. Yes, it is a website operated by Holiday whistler, a vacation rental company based in Whistler, BC. The company is offering a wide variety of properties for rent all year round. Many are ski-in, ski-out and have wood-burning fire places and private hot tubs. So, you might want to see about this Whistler accommodation. It makes me wish I can take a vacation there, too, this holiday because I would love their properties for rent and ski so much. I've never gone skiing yet, you know, and I have plan to go skiing someday.
Anyway, the company is dedicated to arranging the holiday of your dreams. They offer a spectacular choice of rentals, and this Whistler lodging is perfect to look in to. There are so many for you to choose from like the following; cozy apartments, Luxurious log homes, and Large homes. Their cozy apartments has the easy access to great shopping places, restaurants, and night clubs. So, if you want to go shopping or night club hopping, you surely can. You can have whatever you want to do and enjoy yourself by staying their beautiful properties.
Also, don't forget about the luxurious log homes nestled in the trees, with wood-burning fireplaces, private hot tubs and steam showers for the ultimate in home comforts. It's great especially during the Winter time, you can use the hot tub or steam shower in our house. I love it and if you let me choose I'd like to choose the luxurious homes because it has all what I need to keep me warm in the house. By the way, how about this Cedar Ridge 17 I would recommend this because I just like it. I think it's one of the the best kind of their properties. Plus, they give awesome service to their costumers. It's not just the accommodation, but every aspect of your vacation. It will be a privilege for them to arrange airport transfers, ski hire, ski lessons, heli-skiing, private chefs, restaurant bookings, grocery delivery, birthday cakes, maid service, massages and etc. So how cool is that? That's why if you guys are planning to take a vacation this holiday? Please stop by at their website here and take a look at it. Okay, have fun, make sure you enjoy your vacation!
Posted by Nora P. at 3:20 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 12, 2007
Are you guys looking for great deals on HDTVs? is where they can be found. Second Act is an online retailer of HDTVs and related products. They're an authorized dealer of Sharp, Samsung, Toshiba, Denon, Marantz, JVC, Hitachi and more. They are opportunity buyers specializing in HDTVs. You will find product that is factory refurbished, factory closeouts and overstocks, end-of-life, open box and more. If they sell a product, they are most likely the lowest cost provider of it on the Internet.
They offer a Great Deal of the Day feature that even further discounts a single item for a 24 hour period. The deal changes daily at 7am cst. Like the Second Act Great Deal of the Day for 11/12! is $299.99!!! Save an extra $50!!! Today 11/12 Only!!! Then tomorrow it would be be another price. So, if you buy today one of their products you can save an extra $50 and if you're a user you can sign up to receive their great deal of the day or everyday via email or RSS .
Their Offer is good for 24 hours and ends at 6:59am CST. After 24 hours no other coupons or discounts may be used on this item. So, for those who are interested of buying their HDTVs don't wait after 24 hours so that you can use their coupons or so that you can have discounts when you buy their HDTVs. Prefer Feed burner? They offer that too.
Posted by Nora P. at 3:25 PM 0 comments
Looking for light fixtures and outdoor light fixtures?
Wonderful offers hundreds of thousands of light fixtures and outdoor light fixtures in a wide range of styles and at the lowest prices from dozens of top manufacturers. So, for those who're looking for light fixtures and outdoor light fixtures has everything you need with the best kind, styles and most of all they're all on the lowest prices. Wow! that's great! And if you want you can shop by light fixture brand or by light fixture application or by style. Their lighting product search tool quickly helps find the perfect lights for your application.
Why shop at Farreys? because has a history of superior service, 30-day Return Policy, Fast Shipping, Safe Shopping, and Volume Discounts. I tell you this website is the best one to shop for light fixtures, outdoor light fixtures, Ceiling fans, bath products, lighting products, doorwear products, ventilation products, and kitchen products. As I said they have the best and wide selections for everything. Plus, they're all on the lowest prices. So, if you're saving money from buying stuff. Sure 100% you can save money by shopping at gives you the best oppurtunity of all their products.
Shop at because also can Brighten up your decor from their tens of thousands of lighting products including chandeliers, pendant lights, wall mount sconces, lamps and other light fixtures for home lighting, accent lighting, task lighting, landscape and outdoor lighting, utility and specialty lighting.
Posted by Nora P. at 3:12 PM 1 comments
Nice places to go for vacation
France Hotels
I love travel especially to the nice places like France and paris. But, the troubles is I don't have much money to travel and I have a small baby to taking care of. But for those who have a lot of money and loves to travel I found a good website for you where you can have a best deal of accommodating their hotels. I know some hotels around here where we live are so very expensive and they aren't that pretty really. But the hotels in france are wonderful and wow! they don't charge a high price to anybody who stay in their hotels. In short they have a cheap, affordable and wonderful hotels. So, for those who are planning to go to france bring some money too to shop because they have some nice place there for you to go shopping and don't forget to take a reservation of their hotel for you to stay. And if you want to roam around France and shop.
France view
Paris view
Like, if you want to go some fun places the most fun places to shop in France are located in the city of Paris. Everybody knows that Paris is where fashion begins and ends, and for this reason the shopping industry in the area is one of the best in the world. Anyway the hotels in paris are beautiful and they offers a wide range of accommodation and they recommend taking advantage of the last minute deals and free inclusions often offered by the hotels. So, don't miss this out it's a very nice deal for you if you're going to stay in their hotels.
Ave Jean Médecin
And if you go to the village of france you can se the local cuisine, beaches, markets and some nice hotels too. And if you want to go to Vieille Ville (Old Town)
You'll find small shops there, including gift shops artisan crafts, regional items, and clothing shops a bit more down-market from those in the Rue de France area. So, if you guys would like to go to france or paris good luck and have fun!
Posted by Nora P. at 1:48 PM 0 comments
I am disapointed!
I am really disappointed with my new page rank. Gosh, I was pr 4 but now it went down to 2. It's incredible i can't believe it i am pr 2 only. I was so very happy seeing my pr 4 but now i am sad because it decrease. I was hoping my rank to increase more and more but instead it went down LOL. So, now i am disappointed with this and i don't have much appetite to watch PPP. I'm not sure if i still wanna watch PPP since my pr is 2 only. Well, otherwise i am glad too because that way i can give more time to my kids and hubby hehe.
Posted by Nora P. at 12:47 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Den temp OS
Three weeks ago my husband bit down on a jaw breaker and broke one of the crowns on his top tooth. Well he had to call the dentist and they made a special appointment for him to come in the next day. They said he would need two more appointments one to prepare the tooth and one to put the new crown on. He went and the put a temporary crown on his tooth after they prepared it and took a new impression for the perminate crown. So he had to wait two weeks for the lab to make the crown and ware the temporary crown until then. Well he was eating a milk dud at work the other night and the temporary crown stuck to the candy and came off so he didn't know what to do because it was still a week before he can return to the dentist to get his new crown. That's when I told him about the den temp web page that provides fast, temporary relief of pain and discomfort. Just remove it from its plastic vial and it's ready to use. No Mess! No Mixing! Several Applications in each vial.
Replaces lost fillings and may be used to temporarily cement loose crowns.
You can eat on it within 30 minutes of setting. All products have been tested and fully comply with FDA Regulations for Oral Care. He was able to put his temporary crown back on and he has not had anymore trouble so he didn't need to call and make an extra trip to the dentist and cost us a lot of extra money. Wow what a great product and if you need help of this kind you should check out there web page at Dentemp OS or also try temporary dental repair for quick reliable temporary dental repairs.
Posted by Nora P. at 11:42 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 10, 2007
I took pictures of my camcorder again..
The back of my camcorder
Hi guys, I took pictures of my camcorder again because the first one I posted wasn't so nice to look at and it wasn't complete. But, this is so complete i showed the back of my camcorder, the front, lens, battery and camera. Anyway, i thought my camcorder has no details but i was wrong cause it has hehe. I just discovered it tonight when i was looking at the front of my camcorder LOL. It's Sony hard disk drive camcorder, 40x optical zoom, up to 20 hours recording, 30gb handycam. It has 1 year warranty and 30 days to try it so in case we don't like it we can send it back to them and change it. We will try to take pictures first and watch it on TV or computer and if it doesn't take a good pictures we might send it back. If it will take a nice pictures we might keep it because it's a nice camcorder and we like it. You know what? I bought this camcorder by myself from my money on PPP hehe. I am glad i am doing PPP and earning a little money from them also from the other websites. But the money that i bought camcorder is mostly from PPP and i am so very thankful to them because of them i have camcorder now hahaha...Ok guys, i won't make it long bye-bye for now. Thanks for stopping by. goodnight!
Posted by Nora P. at 4:50 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 09, 2007
Storage solutions
Are you guys looking for storage solutions? If you ask me yes I do need storage solutions for our Crafts and hobbies, Kids toys and Gardening stuff. I'm sure this storage solutions they got works very well. And I'd like to buy one as soon as possible and if you guys needs storage solutions too check out their website here.
Posted by Nora P. at 11:34 PM 1 comments
How Do You Live Your Life?
I took a quiz about how do you live your life? Here's my result isn't this good reault? hmmmmmm.... if you guys want to know how do you live your life take this test...
How You Life Your Life |
![]() You seem to be straight forward, but you keep a lot inside. You're laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think. You tend to have one best friend you hang with, as opposed to many aquaintences. Some of your past dreams have disappointed you, but you don't let it get you down. |
Posted by Nora P. at 11:19 PM 0 comments
Cheap Van Insurance UK
Looking for Cheap Van Insurance UK? The Autonet are a UK wide van insurance company and they have the best deal in the industry find a cheaper quote and you can have a complete refund! This Applies to all of their products, no matter what you have insured. It's a great deal every time and it's unbeatable insurance guaranteed or your money back. They also offering special discounts up to 70% off new policies with their van insurance, and lowest price guaranteed or your money back! So, for those who're looking for cheap van insurance? You better take a look at their website here...for more in formations and details.
Posted by Nora P. at 10:20 PM 13 comments
Thursday, November 08, 2007
My camcorder
This is my camcorder. It's a sony hard drive camcomder
This is the lens it's closed. But it needs to be open when we take pic's
At last my camcorder is here. It just came yesterday afternoon from the lady who delivering the mail or package. My i was so very excited buying a camcorder but now that it's here on my hand. I don't have much interest to learn or read the manual on how to use it because i prefer to play on the computer than playing on my camcorder LOL. Anyway, we have charged my camcorder this morning and all i need to do is study the manual on how to set the date and etc. Then we'll be all set to start making movie of our babies hehe. As what i have mentioned before to tell you all the details of my camcorder. Sorry it has no a lot of details. It't just a sony hard drive camcorder that's all. The rest are all intructions about camcorder. Ok guys, this is it for now. Bye-bye.
Posted by Nora P. at 8:31 PM 4 comments
Marriage counseling
Is your marriage in trouble? Then the is the right place or website for you to go. The Family & Marriage Counseling Directory was designed specifically to be the best resource on the web for people in need of marriage counseling. Marriage Counselors are the professional people who give advice to the people who have trouble with their marriage. So, for those who needs of marriage counseling or marriage counselor visit their website here.
Posted by Nora P. at 6:54 PM 0 comments
We have doctor's appoinment
This coming Nov.9th we have doctor's appointment and it's gonna be tomorrow. My we are 3 that have doc's appointment on that date. It's gonna be a long day for us hope it won't be too cold tomorrow because i hate cold and i don't like taking out our kids on cold weather. Anyway, our appointment tomorrow is just a regular appointment or regular check up for our babies. I'm not sure about my appointment tomorrow maybe they want to check me if im completely healed now from giving birth. Well, I'd say yes i am completely healed a long time ago now. Glad everything is ok and our babies are doing good. I am thankful so much to God for that...Well, it's enough for now folks. Have a nice thursday!
Posted by Nora P. at 1:32 PM 0 comments
Looking for nice, firm and comfortable stroller?
We bought one stroller before for our baby girl but it's old now and wanted to buy a new one for our baby boy. That's why I have been looking for stroller to buy from the store and on the web. Luckily, I found this Mutsy stroller on the web that seems very nice, firm and comfortable and I'd like to buy one for my baby boy. I know right now he's too young to ride on the stroller but eventually he could. The stroller won't go bad or old just for a short time? So, it would be fine when i buy one right now. Anyway, they have 5 models of their strollers the Urban Rider, the 4Rider, 4Rider Light and their 3-wheel compact fold Spider and it's great for traveling!). Mutsy strollers have lots of great features, their Urban Rider even comes with two sets of wheels, one for the streets and one for the trails. They have some different styles and different colors of their strollers. As we can see on the drawing they have green or yellow green and red colors of their strollers.
Everything in the Mutsy line is interchangeable offering moms the ultimate in flexibility for baby transport! With the exception of their 3-wheeler Spider, the other models allow you to start with a bassinet for baby then swap that out for the stroller seat. And, Mutsy has an adaptor for a Graco Snug-Ride car seat as well. Moms will also love their fun seat which lets older kids steer and ride and you can even put the Mutsy stroller seat into a frame called the Babysitter and it conveniently becomes a baby rocker. So, for the other moms who wants to buy stroller for their baby visit their website here. I'm sure you can find what you're looking for in this website.
Posted by Nora P. at 12:28 PM 0 comments